Sean Hannity Rips Judge's 'Disgraceful' Treatment of Trump Lawyer

Fox News host Sean Hannity slammed the judge in the NY v. Trump case for "disgraceful" treatment of former Trump lawyer Robert Costello, who was prevented from presenting damaging testimony against the prosecution's star witness, Michael Cohen.

Sean Hannity Rips Judge's 'Disgraceful' Treatment of Trump Lawyer

Sean Hannity, a prominent Fox News host who has consistently defended former President Donald Trump, has launched a scathing attack on the judge presiding over the NY v. Trump case, accusing him of "disgraceful" conduct in limiting the testimony of former Trump lawyer Robert Costello.

Costello, who served as Michael Cohen's legal adviser, was expected to provide potentially damaging testimony that could have impeached Cohen's credibility as the prosecution's star witness. However, Judge Juan Merchan imposed strict limitations on Costello's testimony, ultimately threatening to kick him out of court if he continued to challenge Cohen's account of events.

Hannity condemned the judge's actions, arguing that Merchan was intentionally limiting the defense's ability to present a full and fair case. He pointed out that the prosecution had been allowed to call witnesses like Stormy Daniels to testify about "x-rated stories that were immaterial, irrelevant to the case."

According to Hannity, Merchan's decision to restrict Costello's testimony was a clear indication that the judge was biased against the defense. He likened the proceedings to a "banana republic kangaroo court," accusing Merchan of abusing his authority to favor the prosecution.

Hannity also slammed the prosecution's case against Trump, calling it "nebulous" and based on a "novel federal election crime theory." He argued that Merchan's decision to limit testimony from an expert on federal election crimes, Bradley Smith, further demonstrated the prosecution's weak case.

"Is it a banana republic kangaroo court stuff?" Hannity exclaimed. "But it's obvious what the judge is doing."

Hannity's comments reflect the deep divisions surrounding the NY v. Trump case, which has been marked by accusations of political bias and unfair treatment of the defendants. The trial is expected to continue for several weeks, with both sides presenting their evidence before a jury.