'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

Mikayla Matthews of the reality show "The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" reveals her husband lost his job due to the fall-out from a swingers sex scandal involving their close-knit group. Despite remaining unaffected by the scandal initially, Matthews faces a setback due to her involvement in the show.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Mikayla Matthews, a star of the reality show "The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives," shed light on the impact of a swingers sex scandal that rocked their tight-knit group.

The scandal, which unfolded in 2022, involved a group of wives and mothers known as Mormon MomTok, who garnered fame on TikTok for their viral dance and lip-sync videos. Taylor Frankie Paul, a founding member of MomTok, revealed during a livestream that she and her then-husband, Tate Paul, engaged in "soft swinging" with some of the friends featured in her social media clips.

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

The revelation sent shockwaves through the MomTok community, with speculation and accusations quickly spreading. Mikayla Matthews and other members of MomTok found themselves thrust into the spotlight, facing intense scrutiny.

While Matthews initially maintained her privacy, she hinted in the interview that the truth about her and her husband Jace's involvement would be revealed in the upcoming Hulu series "The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives." She emphasized that her own identity and family's well-being were paramount.

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

However, Matthews shared a personal setback stemming from her participation in the reality show. "My husband actually lost his job over the trailer in the show," she said. This development has had a significant impact on Matthews, who had previously remained unaffected by the scandal.

Other members of the MomTokers also faced challenges. Demi Engemann, who had recently divorced and remarried, found herself in an awkward position amidst the scandal. "I already had speculations as to why I got divorced and all of this. And so to have this drop, what it did was like, 'Ugh, perfect timing,'" she recalled.

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

Engemann's stepchildren returned from school with questions about the scandal, creating tension within the family. She explained that her proximity to Taylor Frankie Paul and her boyfriend, Dakota Mortenson, further fueled speculation about their involvement.

Jessi Ngatikaura described the impact on the MomTok group's friendships. "The whole group was rocked by it because, since we were all kind of close friends on the internet, people just assumed everyone in MomTok was involved," she said. As the scandal unfolded, friendships dissolved, and the group's dynamic shifted.

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

Ngatikaura also noted that the scandal raised concerns among husbands within the group. "I would say that a lot of the husbands in the group that didn't know it was happening until the swinging scandal broke were like, 'Oh my gosh, could that happen to me now?'" she said. This insecurity put a strain on some relationships.

Despite the challenges, Mayci Neeley, a member of the original Mormon MomTok group, stated that she and Whitney Leavitt were not directly involved in the swinging and were largely unaffected by the scandal. However, she acknowledged a division within the MomTok community.

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

Whitney Leavitt, who works as an influencer, reported that the scandal did not significantly alter her persona on social media. She observed that the increased attention from curious audiences actually boosted her following.

Taylor Frankie Paul, the central figure in the scandal, revealed that several companies she worked with hesitated after the news broke. "Especially here in Utah," she explained. "Religion is very dense here. So I think that any type of scandal-related thing, companies are a little bit hesitant on. And I notice that a couple of companies ghosted me."

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

Jennifer Affleck, the least impacted of the "Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" stars, admitted to being an outsider observing the drama unfold. "I was just a follower," she said.

Despite the personal and professional setbacks, both Paul and Engemann expressed their belief that the MomTok group ultimately grew stronger in the aftermath of the scandal. "We found out pretty quickly who was authentic, who was genuine, who was here for the right reasons in MomTok, and genuinely wanted to see growth and health in the relationships within MomTok," Engemann said.

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal

All eight episodes of "The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives" were released on Hulu on September 6. The show delves into the complexities of the scandal, showcasing the personal struggles and resilience of the women involved.

'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal'Secret Lives of Mormon Wives' Star Mikayla Matthews: Husband Lost Job After Swingers Sex Scandal