Sen. Kennedy Slams Biden's Response to Anti-Israel Violence, Urges Tougher Stance

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) has sharply criticized President Biden's handling of anti-Israel protests on college campuses, calling for a more forceful response and accusing the administration of lacking courage.

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Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) has launched a scathing attack on President Biden's response to anti-Israel demonstrations on college campuses, accusing the administration of lacking the courage to confront the issue.

In an interview with Fox News, Kennedy blasted Biden for his "weak" and "timid" stance, claiming that the president had failed to adequately defend Israel and its supporters.

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"President Biden needs to grow a spine," Kennedy said. "He needs to go to Amazon and buy a spine, because he doesn't have one right now."

Kennedy's comments come amid a wave of anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the United States. These protests have often been accompanied by violence and intimidation, with students and faculty who support Israel being targeted.

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Kennedy argued that Biden's administration had been too quick to condemn Israel while ignoring the violence perpetrated by its opponents. He said that the president's failure to take a strong stand had emboldened anti-Israel activists and created a climate of fear on campuses.

"President Biden is sending a message to anti-Israel agitators that it's okay to harass and intimidate students and faculty who support Israel," Kennedy said. "This is unacceptable, and it must stop."

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Kennedy called on Biden to take immediate action to address the issue, including by providing more support for campus security forces and by working with university administrators to create a more welcoming environment for Jewish students.

"President Biden needs to show some leadership on this issue," Kennedy said. "He needs to stand up for what's right and defend Israel and its supporters."

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Kennedy's criticism of Biden's response to anti-Israel violence is part of a broader pattern of Republican criticism of the administration's foreign policy. Republicans have accused Biden of being too weak on China, too cozy with Iran, and too slow to respond to Russian aggression.

The Biden administration has defended its foreign policy record, arguing that it is taking a more measured and diplomatic approach than the previous administration. However, Republicans have argued that this approach has emboldened America's adversaries and weakened its standing in the world.

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The debate over Biden's foreign policy is likely to continue in the run-up to the 2022 midterm elections. Republicans are hoping to use the issue to gain control of Congress, while Democrats are hoping to defend their majorities and avoid a repeat of the 2016 election.

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