Shapiro Defends Biden After Debate, Rejects Calls for Replacement

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro has come to the defense of President Joe Biden following calls for Biden to be replaced on the Democratic presidential ticket. Shapiro said he believes Biden is the "best person to lead our country" and that he is "confident" Biden will win re-election in 2024.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro on Thursday defended President Joe Biden after some called for Shapiro to replace Biden on the Democratic presidential ticket.

Shapiro, a Democrat, said he believes Biden is the "best person to lead our country" and that he is "confident" Biden will win re-election in 2024.

Shapiro Defends Biden After Debate, Rejects Calls for Replacement

Shapiro Defends Biden After Debate, Rejects Calls for Replacement

"I'm not going to engage in speculation about the future," Shapiro said. "I'm focused on my job as governor of Pennsylvania, and I'm confident that President Biden will win re-election in 2024."

Shapiro's comments came after a group of Democratic donors and strategists published a letter calling on Biden to step aside and allow Shapiro to run for president in 2024. The letter argued that Biden is too old and out of touch with the concerns of voters.

Shapiro's defense of Biden is a sign of the growing support for Biden within the Democratic Party. Biden's approval ratings have been rising in recent months, and he is now seen as the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination in 2024.

Some Democrats, however, remain concerned about Biden's age and health. Biden will be 82 years old by the time the 2024 election takes place, and some worry that he may not be up to the demands of the job.

Shapiro's comments suggest that he is not one of those who is concerned about Biden's age or health. Shapiro is a young and energetic politician who is seen as a rising star in the Democratic Party. He is also a close ally of Biden, and he has repeatedly praised Biden's leadership.

Shapiro's defense of Biden is a boost to Biden's chances of winning re-election in 2024. Shapiro is a popular and respected figure within the Democratic Party, and his endorsement of Biden is likely to carry weight with voters.

However, it remains to be seen whether Biden will actually run for re-election in 2024. Biden has not yet announced his plans, and he has said that he will make a decision about whether to run after the 2022 midterm elections.

If Biden does not run for re-election, Shapiro is likely to be among the leading contenders for the Democratic nomination. He is a young, charismatic politician who is seen as a rising star in the party. He is also a close ally of Biden, and he would likely be able to inherit Biden's base of support.

However, Shapiro would face a tough fight for the nomination. He would likely face competition from other high-profile Democrats, such as Vice President Kamala Harris and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

It is also worth noting that Shapiro's defense of Biden could backfire if Biden's approval ratings continue to decline. If Biden's approval ratings continue to fall, Shapiro could be seen as a liability for the Democratic Party.

Overall, Shapiro's defense of Biden is a sign of the growing support for Biden within the Democratic Party. However, it remains to be seen whether Biden will actually run for re-election in 2024, and whether Shapiro would be a viable candidate if Biden does not run.