Shapiro's Alliance with Transgender Lobby Group Raises Concerns about Parental Rights and Children's Well-being

Democratic Governor Josh Shapiro's partnership with the Trevor Project, a transgender lobbying group, has sparked controversy over its potential impact on parents' rights and the well-being of children experiencing gender dysphoria. The collaboration aims to eliminate licensed counselors who oppose promoting progressive medical transition methods for children.

Pennsylvania's Democratic Governor Josh Shapiro has come under fire for partnering with the Trevor Project, a transgender lobbying group, to target licensed counselors who oppose promoting progressive medical transition methods for children with gender dysphoria. The collaboration has raised concerns about its potential impact on parental rights and the well-being of children.

The Trevor Project, a suicide prevention nonprofit for LGBTQ youth, has partnered with Shapiro's office to identify and challenge counselors who do not endorse so-called "gender affirming care" for children with gender dysphoria. The term "gender affirming care" often refers to the provision of hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgeries for minors.

Shapiro's Alliance with Transgender Lobby Group Raises Concerns about Parental Rights and Children's Well-being

Shapiro's Alliance with Transgender Lobby Group Raises Concerns about Parental Rights and Children's Well-being

Emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation reveal that Shapiro's office and the Trevor Project have worked together to classify attempts to help gender-distressed children accept their biological sex as conversion therapy. Conversion therapy traditionally focuses on altering same-sex attraction, but it now also encompasses gender identity.

The new policies in Pennsylvania denounce licensed professionals who address a child's gender distress without supporting their desired transgender identity as engaging in "immoral" and "unprofessional conduct." Such actions could lead to penalties from the state board, including potential revocation or suspension of professional or medical licenses.

Shapiro's Alliance with Transgender Lobby Group Raises Concerns about Parental Rights and Children's Well-being

Shapiro's Alliance with Transgender Lobby Group Raises Concerns about Parental Rights and Children's Well-being

Critics argue that Shapiro's actions infringe on parental rights and hinder the ability of counselors to provide unbiased support. Michael Geer, president of the nonprofit Pennsylvania Family Institute, said that Shapiro's actions "hinder the ability of counselors and therapists to help their patients and threaten to punish those with convictions on sexuality and gender that differ from the governor’s."

"Pennsylvanians who seek help in facing unwanted same-sex attractions or gender dysphoria should be free to speak with professional counselors who could help them achieve their personal goals," Geer added.

Shapiro's Alliance with Transgender Lobby Group Raises Concerns about Parental Rights and Children's Well-being

Shapiro's Alliance with Transgender Lobby Group Raises Concerns about Parental Rights and Children's Well-being

According to the emails, Perry Monastero, who worked for more than five years in the Trevor Project's campaign against conversion therapy in Pennsylvania, praised the state boards for adopting the new policy statements. He described them as "more binding" than state law.

Monastero sent Ashleigh Strange, executive director of Shapiro's Advisory Commission on LGBTQ Affairs, an internal Trevor Project memo listing alleged conversion therapy practitioners in Pennsylvania. The Trevor Project reportedly conducted an extensive review of publicly available data to identify individuals and organizations involved in conversion therapy.

Shapiro's Alliance with Transgender Lobby Group Raises Concerns about Parental Rights and Children's Well-being

Shapiro's Alliance with Transgender Lobby Group Raises Concerns about Parental Rights and Children's Well-being

Additionally, meeting minutes from state licensing boards reveal that the Shapiro administration has been pressuring these boards to eliminate practices labeled as conversion therapy. Critics argue that this pressure undermines the independence of these boards and could lead to biased decision-making.

Anne Edward, an executive director at the faith-based counseling hub Restored Hope Network, said that opponents of counseling choice are unfairly targeting Christian counselors who respect client goals. Edward cited data showing that the type of counseling targeted by the Shapiro administration can reduce suicidality for minors by 50%.

Fox News Digital reached out to Shapiro's office but did not receive a response by press deadline. The collaboration between Shapiro's office and the Trevor Project has sparked a heated debate over parental rights, the role of counselors, and the well-being of children experiencing gender dysphoria. It remains to be seen how this will impact the availability of unbiased support for children and their families.