Shapiro's Past Writing Sparks Controversy Amidst VP Consideration

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro's potential vice presidential candidacy faces scrutiny after the resurfacing of an op-ed from his college days, in which he expressed controversial views on Israel and the Palestinians.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, a potential vice presidential pick for Democratic presidential hopeful Kamala Harris, has come under fire following the revelation of an op-ed he wrote more than three decades ago. The essay, published in his university newspaper in 1995, revealed his past support for Israel and critical views of Palestinians.

In the op-ed, Shapiro, then a 20-year-old college student, identified himself as a "past volunteer in the Israeli army." He argued that Palestinians "will not peacefully coexist" and "do not have the capabilities to establish their own homelands." He also criticized the Arab world as "belligerent."

Shapiro's Past Writing Sparks Controversy Amidst VP Consideration

Shapiro's Past Writing Sparks Controversy Amidst VP Consideration

Shapiro's op-ed has reignited scrutiny of his views on Israel and the Middle East. Some Democratic Party members and Palestinian advocacy groups have condemned his past comments as insensitive and biased. The "No Genocide Josh" campaign has launched an effort to pressure Harris against selecting Shapiro as her running mate.

In response to the controversy, Shapiro's spokesman Manuel Bonder emphasized that the governor's views on Israel have "evolved" since he wrote the op-ed. Bonder cited Shapiro's relationships with Muslim-American, Arab-American, Palestinian Christian, and Jewish leaders in Pennsylvania as evidence of his commitment to inclusivity.

Shapiro's Past Writing Sparks Controversy Amidst VP Consideration

Shapiro's Past Writing Sparks Controversy Amidst VP Consideration

Shapiro has consistently supported a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He believes that Israelis and Palestinians should "determine their own futures and their own destinies." However, he has also criticized Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's leadership, calling him "one of the worst leaders of all time."

The controversy surrounding Shapiro's past writing highlights the challenges facing Harris in vetting potential vice presidential candidates. Harris, who secured the Democratic nomination this week, is under pressure from both moderate and progressive Democrats to balance differing views and priorities.

Shapiro's Past Writing Sparks Controversy Amidst VP Consideration

Shapiro's Past Writing Sparks Controversy Amidst VP Consideration

Shapiro's supporters argue that his past comments do not represent his current views and that he is a capable leader who can bring diverse perspectives to the Democratic ticket. However, his critics maintain that his past writings indicate a bias against Palestinians and that he is unfit to serve as vice president.

The controversy surrounding Shapiro's past writing is likely to continue as Harris moves closer to selecting a running mate. The decision will have significant implications for the Democratic Party and for US policy towards Israel and the Middle East.

Shapiro's Past Writing Sparks Controversy Amidst VP Consideration

Shapiro's Past Writing Sparks Controversy Amidst VP Consideration