Shaun White on Retirement, Return Itches, and Legacy

Shaun White retired from competitive snowboarding in 2022, but he admits the urge to return is still there. He spoke to Fox News Digital about how he copes with the itch to compete, the advice he received from other retired athletes, and his plans for the future.

Shaun White on Retirement, Return Itches, and Legacy

Shaun White retired from competitive snowboarding following a fourth-place finish in the halfpipe event at the 2022 Winter Olympics. White was only in his mid-30s when he decided to step away from the spot he dominated for so long. He won three gold medals at the Olympics dating back to 2006 in Italy, not to mention the 10 X Games gold medals he racked up during his illustrious career.

The decision to retire was not easy for White, but he knew it was time. "I think I just kind of knew," he said. "I had a really good run, and I was ready to start a new chapter in my life."

Shaun White on Retirement, Return Itches, and Legacy

That new chapter includes spending more time with his family and friends, traveling, and working on his own brand, White Space. White is also still involved in snowboarding through his work with young riders and his sponsorship of snowboarding events.

Even though he is retired from competition, White says the itch to return is always there. "It's just kind of maintaining this sort of like, well, 'you stopped for a reason,'" he said. "And I spoke to a lot of athletes and they were just like, 'It never goes away.'"

Shaun White on Retirement, Return Itches, and Legacy

White said he has learned to cope with the urge to compete by focusing on the positive aspects of his retirement. "There's like this amazing life waiting for you outside of that," he said.

White also received some sage advice from other retired athletes, including Michael Strahan, Michael Phelps, and Tom Brady. "Guys like Michael Strahan, Michael Phelps and I even ran into Tom Brady, which was actually great because he did the, 'Hey I'm gonna come back' and yeah it's hard to let go of that feeling," White said. "And it was cool to talk to him about (it) like, 'Man, we did it. We had our moment and we can celebrate that because the history books will show.'"

White said he is still practicing snowboarding, but he is not planning on competing again. He does, however, expect to be back in Italy in 2026 to cheer on his friends at the Winter Olympics.

"It's definitely fun, and I've still been able to get back out on the mountain and work on tricks and have fun and ride," he said. "I'll be there probably on the microphone or something for that Games. Definitely cheering my friends on."

Shaun White may be retired from competition, but he is still one of the most iconic and successful snowboarders of all time. He is a true legend of the sport, and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations of snowboarders.