Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on "60 Days In": Exploring Jail Truths and Seeking Improvement

Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith shares his motivations for participating in A&E's hit reality series "60 Days In," highlighting the show's role in exposing prison realities, identifying areas for improvement, and fostering empathy within law enforcement.

On the acclaimed television series "60 Days In," individuals voluntarily immerse themselves in the harsh realities of prison life, shedding light on the challenges, complexities, and systemic issues within the criminal justice system. For Utah County Sheriff Mike Smith, the decision to participate in the show was driven by his unwavering commitment to transparency and improvement within his department.

Initially skeptical, Smith recognized the immense potential of "60 Days In" to serve as an in-depth audit of his office. "I looked at it as an opportunity to improve, to accept where we need to improve," he stated. The show's unique format afforded an unprecedented level of scrutiny, revealing both strengths and weaknesses within the Utah County Jail.

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Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on "60 Days In": Exploring Jail Truths and Seeking Improvement

Smith emphasized the need for law enforcement to embrace ongoing improvement, stating, "I hope, at the end of the day, that people don't expect us to be perfect, but they should expect us to be willing to accept where we need to improve and improve." The show's participants served as invaluable sources of feedback, highlighting areas where the jail's operations and staff interactions could be enhanced.

In particular, Smith expressed concern over instances where inmates were not treated in accordance with his expectations. "I struggled watching that on screen," he said. "That is not what I teach them and not what I expect." The experience reinforced the importance of adhering to high standards of professionalism and empathy, even in challenging situations.

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Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on "60 Days In": Exploring Jail Truths and Seeking Improvement

"60 Days In" also brought to light the prevalence of drug-related issues within the jail population. Sheriff Smith's team has since ramped up efforts to combat substance abuse through enhanced screening and treatment programs. The show's participants played a crucial role in identifying inmates who were struggling with addiction, facilitating access to necessary interventions.

Nina, a participant in the show, shared her insights on the transformative experience of being incarcerated. "There are just some things that you cannot anticipate until you're in there," she said. Nina highlighted the deprivation of basic necessities and the overwhelming boredom as particularly challenging aspects of her time behind bars.

Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on

Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on "60 Days In": Exploring Jail Truths and Seeking Improvement

Her experience led her to reflect on the need for a broader perspective on the criminal justice system. "It's easy to categorize inmates," she said. "But the truth is that we are asking too much of a broken demographic." Nina's firsthand account underscores the complex nature of incarceration and the need for rehabilitation and reentry programs.

Following her time on "60 Days In," Nina plans to contribute to the well-being of inmates by compiling literature for reading and advocating for additional programming. The show's impact extends beyond the jail walls, fostering dialogue and inspiring individuals to seek ways to address societal challenges.

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Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on "60 Days In": Exploring Jail Truths and Seeking Improvement

In conclusion, Sheriff Mike Smith's participation in "60 Days In" represents a bold and groundbreaking commitment to transparency and improvement within law enforcement. The show's participants provided invaluable insights that have led to tangible changes in the operations of the Utah County Jail. Moreover, the series has sparked a broader discussion about the complexities of the criminal justice system and the need for empathy, accountability, and rehabilitation.

Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on Sheriff Mike Smith's Journey on