Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future

Singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow has voiced her concerns about the use of artificial intelligence in music, particularly after Drake's attempt to replicate Tupac Shakur's voice. Crow's fears have inspired her new album, "Evolution," and she urges Congress to take action to regulate AI.

Sheryl Crow's induction into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has marked a significant moment not only for her career but also for her outspoken stance on artificial intelligence (AI) in the music industry. During backstage interviews, Crow revealed that AI had "terrified" her into writing a new song, expressing deep concerns about the technology's potential implications for music and society.

Crow's criticism specifically targeted Drake's use of AI to resurrect the vocals of the late rapper Tupac Shakur in his song "Taylor Made Freestyle." The track featured the AI-generated voices of Snoop Dogg and Shakur, igniting controversy before Drake removed it from all platforms after receiving a cease-and-desist letter from Shakur's estate.

Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future

Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future

"You cannot bring people back from the dead and believe that they would stand for that," Crow said, expressing her disapproval of the use of AI to manipulate deceased artists' voices. "It's hateful. It is antithetical to the life force that exists in all of us."

Crow's concerns extend beyond the music industry, as she fears AI's broader impact on society. She recalled a young female songwriter using AI-generated vocals impersonating John Mayer in her demos, fearing that such technology could diminish opportunities for aspiring artists. Upon hearing the song, Crow described herself as "terrified," recognizing the potential for deception and the erosion of human creativity.

Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future

Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future

"I know John, and I know the nuances of his voice," Crow said. "And there would be no way you'd have been able to tell that he was not singing that song." Crow's apprehension about AI goes beyond music, extending to its implications for politics and the integrity of society. "I'm like, 'You're growing up with this thing, and it doesn't seem dangerous to you because you're a frog in a pot of water. But the water is only just starting to boil, and you won't realize it's getting hotter until we're all floating on the top,'" she said, addressing her children.

Despite the advancements in AI, Crow remains optimistic about the enduring power of human-produced art. "AI can do lots of things, but it can't go out and play live," she said. "So, as long as we have live music, as long as we have hands holding a paintbrush, all is not lost." Crow has actively called upon Congress to pass legislation regulating AI in music, emphasizing the need to protect artists' likenesses and voices.

Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future

Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future

"Yes, it is wrong to manipulate any artist's likeness, voice, words or art as their own. But, for me, it is the deception we are giving our approval to by not doing something to keep it from happening," Crow wrote in a guest column for The Hollywood Reporter. While recognizing AI's potential for solving world problems, Crow remains unwavering in her belief that legal action is necessary.

Crow's concerns echo those of other artists, with an open letter signed by over 200 musicians calling on tech companies to stop devaluing music. Crow believes that continued support for such efforts is crucial to preserve the integrity and vitality of the music industry.

Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future

Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future

As AI's presence in the music industry continues to evolve, Sheryl Crow's outspoken stance serves as a timely reminder of the need for caution, ethical considerations, and regulatory frameworks to ensure the protection of artists' rights and the preservation of human creativity in the face of technological advancements.

Sheryl Crow's Fear of AI: From Tupac's Voice to Music's Future