Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Sienna Miller opens up about the exciting moment Kevin Costner invited her to star in his epic Western trilogy, "Horizon," revealing the surprising call that set her on a thrilling cinematic journey.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, "Horizon" star Sienna Miller recounts the unforgettable phone call that sparked her involvement in Kevin Costner's ambitious Western saga. The initial contact, initiated by Costner himself, came as a surreal moment for the actress, leaving her in a state of disbelief.

"I got a call. Be still my '90s heart," Miller recalls, emphasizing her reverence for Costner's iconic status. "It said Kevin Costner would like to speak to you about a project that he's doing."

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Upon receiving the scripts and learning that it was not a television series but a cinematic endeavor, Miller's excitement soared. "It's for movies," she exclaimed. "And then there's Kevin Costner on the Zoom, and I was beside myself. Anyway, we had a wonderful conversation."

As the conversation drew to a close, Costner posed a poignant question that would forever etch itself into Miller's memory. "Sienna, I have one question for you," he inquired. "And I said, 'Yes, Kevin.' And he went, 'Will you go West with me?'"

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Miller's response was an immediate and enthusiastic affirmation, driven by her admiration for Costner's cinematic legacy. "I died, I died," she recalls, expressing her overwhelming joy. "'Yes, yes, I will go. I will go to the moon and back a million times.'"

Miller's admiration for Costner extends back to his iconic performance in "Dances with Wolves," a film that left a profound impact on her. "I had Cleopatra, Thumper, Badger, Two Socks, and Cisco," she reveals, referring to her pet rabbits named after characters from the movie.

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

"I was a huge fan of that movie," Miller adds. "It broke my heart and [I] was very obsessed with Kevin from that moment forth."

In her role in "Horizon," Miller portrays Frances Kittredge, a character that resonates deeply with her. "I think she's a pioneer in her own right," Miller explains. "She's a woman who's trying to find her place in the world."

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Miller's co-star, Sam Worthington, also shares his admiration for Costner's approach to filmmaking and the message conveyed through "Horizon." "I just like working with directors that take risks and are trying to challenge themselves in storytelling," Worthington remarks.

"With this, it's a more traditional way of filmmaking," he continues. "But at the same time, he's not telling a plot-driven story. He's taken an almost like a novelistic approach to the journey of these characters – to this central character, which is the town of Horizon."

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Worthington believes that Costner's vision extends beyond the historical setting of the Western genre. "I think that Kevin is telling a story that shows that there was a lot of hope in how America was formed," Worthington explains. "And therefore, if [there's] this hope in the formation of America, then maybe there's hope in the continuation of America – whether it's a Western or science fiction."

"Good movies explain to us how we are now," he adds. "And so, if that's his message, I think that's a great message for the America that we're in."

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'

As "Horizon" prepares to grace the silver screen, Miller and Worthington express their gratitude for the opportunity to collaborate with Costner and the exceptional cast and crew. "I think everybody's there for the right reasons to try and help him tell his story correctly," Worthington

Sienna Miller Recalls the Heart-Pounding Phone Call That Led Her to 'Horizon'