Sig Hansen Shares the Biggest Challenges of 'Deadliest Catch'

'Deadliest Catch' captain Sig Hansen reveals the most pressing issues he faces at sea, including the relentless weather, crew motivation, and the ever-present threat of life-threatening situations.

Sig Hansen Shares the Biggest Challenges of 'Deadliest Catch'

In the treacherous waters of the Bering Sea, where the fury of nature tests the limits of human endurance, Sig Hansen, captain of the F/V Northwestern, has witnessed a myriad of challenges over the past 20 seasons of 'Deadliest Catch.' In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Hansen delves into the complexities of keeping his crew alive, motivated, and navigating the unforgiving elements.

"There's always a challenge. The challenge is to succeed, right?" Hansen emphasizes. "There are life-threatening situations - been in a few of those. I think the biggest challenge is always the weather. That's always a big one and keeping your guys motivated, that's always a big challenge."

Sig Hansen Shares the Biggest Challenges of 'Deadliest Catch'

The relentless weather conditions on the Bering Sea pose a constant battle for the crew. Icing, mechanical failures, and instability from water-filled crab tanks can quickly turn a routine fishing expedition into a life-or-death scenario.

"We've had events where the boat was icing down to the point where I thought there was no return. We've had struggles with mechanical issues where, you know, we've had, like, tanks where our crab tanks either fill with water when they're not supposed to, and that creates instability on the boat," recounts Hansen.

Sig Hansen Shares the Biggest Challenges of 'Deadliest Catch'

The specter of lost lives and sunken vessels looms large in Hansen's memory. "There's been many challenges and there were challenges where I've seen boats literally go down. You know, eight miles away from me, and there's nothing I can do about it," he says. "You watch people and friends that you know, and you're literally in the fog. They're right over there and there's nothing I can do about it, and they're gone."

Amidst these life-threatening challenges, Hansen finds solace in the unwavering support of his loyal crew. "I think the biggest challenge is always the weather. That's always a big one and keeping your guys motivated, that's always a big challenge," he shares.

Sig Hansen Shares the Biggest Challenges of 'Deadliest Catch'

"You know, and finding crab. It'll happen, it just takes time, but it'll happen. Especially if you're good and you know what you're doing."

Beyond the physical dangers at sea, Hansen credits the multi-generational appeal of 'Deadliest Catch' to its raw portrayal of a blue-collar work ethic. "Number one, it's blue collar and there's a work ethic and I think people respect that. I think the show's successful because, through time, the photography's better, the cameras are better, the people that record what we do are better, and I think that it shows," he says.

Sig Hansen Shares the Biggest Challenges of 'Deadliest Catch'

"My wife and I watch what they film, and she just can't believe it. She's like, 'Oh my God, I feel like I'm in it.'"

Hansen takes pride in the show's ability to inspire viewers, whether through its heart-stopping action sequences or its heartwarming message of resilience. "What's rewarding is the fact that when people come up to me, and they say, 'You know what? You inspire me. I was in the hospital and I watched your show, and I sucked it up,'" he says.

Sig Hansen Shares the Biggest Challenges of 'Deadliest Catch'

"When people tell me that they're inspired by us, that's rewarding. Or if I go to a fundraiser and I make oodles of money for a certain cause because I used my fame to do it, that's pretty godd--n rewarding."

As 'Deadliest Catch' embarks on its 20th season, Hansen reflects on the show's remarkable longevity. "Now I feel like that show is on autopilot," he says. "What goes through my mind is like, you take some things for granted. I know that's not just me, but everybody takes it for granted because they're supposed to be there."

"It's just crazy because everywhere I go, whether it's young or old, it's like this generational tie. There's a generational knot that puts people together, and it just blows my mind," Hansen adds.

Tune in to Discovery Channel on June 11 for the 20th anniversary season of 'Deadliest Catch,' where Captain Sig Hansen and his intrepid crew once again navigate the treacherous waters of the Bering Sea, pushing the boundaries of human endurance and proving that even in the face of adversity, the pursuit of success is worth every risk.