Slain Actor's Mother Demands Justice, Action from Los Angeles Mayor amid Rampant Crime

Scarlett Wactor, mother of slain actor Johnny Wactor, demands justice and action from Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass as crime continues to spiral out of control in the city.

Scarlett Wactor, mother of slain actor Johnny Wactor, has joined 'Fox & Friends' to discuss what action she believes Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass should take after the tragic death of her son. The city has been plagued by a surge in crime, with a recent incident involving a gang of teens on bicycles who violently assaulted a man in traffic.

The incident occurred when the victim, Shailoobek Bazarbai Uulu, was in his car stopped at a red light in downtown Los Angeles. Beside him were approximately 30 teens on bikes. When the light turned green, Uulu attempted to pass the group, and one of the teens threw a water bottle into his vehicle.

Slain Actor's Mother Demands Justice, Action from Los Angeles Mayor amid Rampant Crime

Slain Actor's Mother Demands Justice, Action from Los Angeles Mayor amid Rampant Crime

Uulu pulled over and exited his vehicle when he was immediately surrounded by the teens. The confrontation quickly turned violent, with some of the kids assaulting Uulu and others destroying his vehicle. Footage shows the teens breaking windows and jumping on the hood of Uulu's car, as well as rifling through the interior. They stole his wallet, cash, and personal documents and broke his leg. Uulu also suffered multiple lacerations across his body.

"I never thought that teens can be so cruel, and I didn’t expect that from them," Uulu told The Los Angeles Times. "That’s why I got out from the car. I didn’t know like that it’s very dangerous to get out from the car."

Slain Actor's Mother Demands Justice, Action from Los Angeles Mayor amid Rampant Crime

Slain Actor's Mother Demands Justice, Action from Los Angeles Mayor amid Rampant Crime

Uulu was born in Kyrgystan and lived in Russia for most of his life before fleeing to the U.S. and seeking asylum a year ago. He says many documents he needs for the asylum process were stolen in the attack.

Footage shows wary bystanders watching the carnage, some of them filming. Several people can be seen attempting to step in and eventually helped carry Uulu to safety as he asked for people to call the police.

Slain Actor's Mother Demands Justice, Action from Los Angeles Mayor amid Rampant Crime

Slain Actor's Mother Demands Justice, Action from Los Angeles Mayor amid Rampant Crime

"This is what L.A. has come to," one man filming the incident can be heard saying. "Dog, I’m not even playing. I literally just parked. These kids are wild, not older than 20."

Uulu says he didn't do anything to provoke the attack, though one of the teens can be heard claiming he cut off the bikers in traffic.

"It’s a been a week and no one has been arrested," he told KTLA. "They stole my bank cards, and they even tried to use it a few days later."

The incident comes just days after Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass officially accepted the Olympic torch from Paris. LA will play host to the 2028 summer Olympic games, despite widespread crime and homelessness.

"It's time for Mayor Bass to take action," said Wactor. "Our city is out of control, and our children are living in fear. We need more police officers on the streets, and we need to hold criminals accountable for their actions."

Mayor Bass has faced heavy criticism for failing to address violent crime in the city. She has promised to implement a plan to reduce crime, but her efforts have so far been met with limited success.

"The citizens of Los Angeles deserve better," said Wactor. "We need a mayor who will keep our families safe and make our city a place where everyone can feel safe and secure."