Snopes' Bombshell: Trump Never Praised Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, Derailing Biden Attack

In a shocking turn of events, left-leaning fact-checking website Snopes has ruled that former President Donald Trump never praised neo-Nazis at the Charlottesville protest in 2017. This revelation could derail one of President Joe Biden's favorite attacks on Trump ahead of their upcoming debate.

The bombshell ruling by Snopes has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, casting doubt on a long-held narrative used by Democrats to discredit former President Donald Trump. Snopes checker Taija Perry Cook determined that while Trump did say there were "very fine people on both sides" of the controversy over removing Confederate statues, he specifically excluded neo-Nazis and white supremacists from this statement.

This finding has thrown a wrench into Biden's campaign strategy, as he has frequently accused Trump of aligning himself with white supremacists. In his presidential campaign announcement video, Biden claimed that Trump assigned "a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it."

Snopes' Bombshell: Trump Never Praised Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, Derailing Biden Attack

Snopes' Bombshell: Trump Never Praised Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, Derailing Biden Attack

The issue gained national prominence when Trump gave a press conference in the aftermath of the Charlottesville rally. After condemning neo-Nazis and white supremacists, he stated that there were "very fine people on both sides" of the statue removal controversy. This statement was immediately seized upon by the left, who interpreted it as a defense of the white supremacists.

However, a closer examination of Trump's remarks reveals a more nuanced position. He was not defending the neo-Nazis, but rather acknowledging that there were individuals present in Charlottesville who were not responsible for the violence. He specifically made a distinction between those who were protesting the removal of Confederate statues and those who were engaging in violence and hate speech.

Snopes' Bombshell: Trump Never Praised Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, Derailing Biden Attack

Snopes' Bombshell: Trump Never Praised Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, Derailing Biden Attack

Snopes' ruling has been met with anger and anxiety among liberals, who have relied heavily on the narrative that Trump praised neo-Nazis. The timing of the ruling, just before the first Biden-Trump debate, has further raised suspicions among Democrats.

Snopes' credibility has been questioned in the past, particularly its alleged bias against conservative viewpoints. However, the website has maintained its position that Trump's remarks in Charlottesville did not amount to a defense of neo-Nazis.

Snopes' Bombshell: Trump Never Praised Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, Derailing Biden Attack

Snopes' Bombshell: Trump Never Praised Charlottesville Neo-Nazis, Derailing Biden Attack

The ruling has also been welcomed by some on the right, who have long argued that the left has misrepresented Trump's words. They see Snopes' decision as a vindication of their position.

The debate over Trump's Charlottesville remarks is likely to continue, but Snopes' ruling has cast serious doubt on the accuracy of the prevailing left-wing narrative. This development could have a significant impact on Biden's strategy in the upcoming debate, as it removes a key point of attack against Trump.