Soros Empire's Subversion of American Justice: Internal Communications Reveal Radical Agenda

A new report from the Media Research Center exposes the Soros empire's extensive influence over the American justice system. Internal communications obtained through public records requests reveal how Soros-backed prosecutors are systematically undermining law and order by prioritizing radical agendas over public safety.

The Media Research Center (MRC) has released a damning report titled "Law & Disorder," alleging that liberal billionaire George Soros and his son Alex have systematically infiltrated the American justice system through a network of Soros-backed prosecutors. The report, based on nearly 7,800 pages of internal communications obtained through public records requests, reveals how these prosecutors are manipulating the rule of law to advance Soros's radical leftist agenda.

MRC founder and president Brent Bozell described the Soros empire's efforts as "astounding," highlighting the extent of their control over prosecutors' policies and priorities. The report alleges that Soros has spent at least $117,663,316 to elect and coordinate these prosecutors, who control the fate of at least 30% of the U.S. population.

Soros Empire's Subversion of American Justice: Internal Communications Reveal Radical Agenda

Soros Empire's Subversion of American Justice: Internal Communications Reveal Radical Agenda

The communications reveal that Soros-backed prosecutors have signed pledges vowing to adopt Soros's priorities, including reduced criminal prosecution for illegal immigration, drug offenses, and election integrity violations. The MRC claims that the Soros machine dictates media narratives, lobbies government officials, and perverts the justice system through this network of prosecutors.

One of the prominent organizations highlighted in the report is Fair and Just Prosecution (FJP), which the MRC accuses of manipulating the rule of law on issues such as abortion, capital punishment, and childhood sex changes. The report cites numerous meetings and formal statements orchestrated by FJP involving Soros-backed prosecutors.

Soros Empire's Subversion of American Justice: Internal Communications Reveal Radical Agenda

Soros Empire's Subversion of American Justice: Internal Communications Reveal Radical Agenda

The MRC also alleges that Soros-backed prosecutors have built close connections with the establishment media through FJP's assistance, enabling them to influence public perception of crime and criminal justice. The report implores journalists to do a better job covering crime and its origins and to investigate the Soros family's operations.

The MRC urges Congress and other elected officials to take action against the Soros empire, calling for investigations, refusals to confirm nominees to the DOJ or Federal bench, and the removal of law-breaking prosecutors by governors and state attorneys general. The report also suggests filing RICO-like charges against the Soros machine and its prosecutors.

Soros Empire's Subversion of American Justice: Internal Communications Reveal Radical Agenda

Soros Empire's Subversion of American Justice: Internal Communications Reveal Radical Agenda

Fair and Just Prosecution executive director Miriam Krinsky dismissed the MRC study, stating that FJP supports elected prosecutors committed to fairness, equity, and public safety. She criticized the report's characterization of prosecutors as "Soros-backed," calling it an "ill-informed" promotion of antisemitic tropes.

Despite these efforts to discredit the report, the internal communications obtained by the MRC provide substantial evidence of the Soros empire's radical agenda and its pervasive influence over the American justice system. The report highlights the urgent need for action to safeguard the integrity of our justice system from political manipulation and ensure the rule of law prevails.

Soros Empire's Subversion of American Justice: Internal Communications Reveal Radical Agenda

Soros Empire's Subversion of American Justice: Internal Communications Reveal Radical Agenda