South Africa Building Collapse: Rescue Teams Contact 11 Buried Workers

Rescue teams in South Africa have established contact with 11 construction workers trapped under the wreckage of a collapsed apartment complex, raising hopes of finding more survivors despite the tragic loss of six lives.

South Africa Building Collapse: Rescue Teams Contact 11 Buried Workers

Rescue teams have made contact with 11 construction workers trapped under the mangled wreckage of a collapsed apartment complex in South Africa, as fears mount that the death toll could rise sharply.

South Africa Building Collapse: Rescue Teams Contact 11 Buried Workers

The five-story building, still under construction, crumbled on Monday in the coastal city of George, trapping dozens of workers. Six fatalities have been confirmed, and 37 others remain unaccounted for.

One trapped worker managed to call his wife from beneath the rubble, enabling emergency responders to locate him, Western Cape disaster management head Colin Deiner said. However, he remains trapped and has not yet been rescued.

Rescuers focused on reaching the 11 workers that teams were in contact with, four of whom were trapped in the basement. Their limbs were trapped under concrete, hindering their movement.

"Our big concern is entrapment for many hours, when a person’s body parts are compressed. So, you need to get medical help to them," Deiner said.

Medical personnel were rushed to the scene to provide urgent care to the trapped workers. Deiner added that there could be additional survivors buried deeper in the wreckage, and efforts to remove layers of concrete would commence once the 11 located workers were safely extracted.

Over 100 emergency services personnel and sniffer dogs worked tirelessly through the night, searching for survivors. Heavy lifting equipment and spotlights were also brought in to aid the rescue operation.

A critical moment occurred when rescuers ordered silence and shut off machinery to listen for any survivors. This strategy led to the detection of the 11 trapped workers.

Local hospitals prepared their trauma units in anticipation of additional casualties. Specialized rescue teams from various towns and cities were also deployed to assist.

Family members and friends of the workers gathered at municipal offices, receiving support from social workers.

Authorities have launched investigations into the cause of the tragedy, including a criminal case opened by the police. CCTV footage captured the collapse of the building at 2:09 p.m. Monday, sending a plume of dust into the air.

Western Cape Premier Alan Winde emphasized that the priority remained the rescue effort, while investigations would follow once the immediate crisis was addressed.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa offered his condolences to the victims' families and called for a thorough investigation.