South Carolina's Six-Week Abortion Ban Remains Intact After Court Rejects Planned Parenthood's Challenge

Despite challenges from reproductive health advocates, South Carolina's six-week abortion ban has been upheld by a state judge, denying Planned Parenthood's request to extend the time limit to nine weeks. Pro-life advocates are celebrating the victory, while Planned Parenthood vows to continue fighting for abortion rights.

South Carolina's Six-Week Abortion Ban Remains Intact After Court Rejects Planned Parenthood's Challenge

The legal battle over abortion in South Carolina took a significant turn on Friday when a state judge denied Planned Parenthood's motion to weaken the state's controversial six-week abortion ban. The decision is a major victory for pro-life proponents, who have been advocating for stricter abortion laws in the state.

Circuit Judge Daniel Coble ruled that the South Carolina legislature clearly intended a six-week time frame for abortions when they passed the law in 2023. The law defines a "fetal heartbeat" as "cardiac activity or the steady and repetitive rhythmic contraction of the fetal heart, within the gestational sac."

South Carolina's Six-Week Abortion Ban Remains Intact After Court Rejects Planned Parenthood's Challenge

In their motion, Planned Parenthood argued that since the law was enacted, 75% of women who sought abortions in South Carolina were denied the procedure because of the time constraint. The organization also alleged that almost 7/8 of those patients could have undergone an abortion if they were permitted to do so at the nine-week mark.

Critics of the law also argued that many women do not know they are pregnant yet at six weeks. However, the State of South Carolina testified that an unborn baby's heart is beating "steadily, repetitively and rhythmically" six weeks in, even if the organ is not fully formed yet.

South Carolina's Six-Week Abortion Ban Remains Intact After Court Rejects Planned Parenthood's Challenge

In a statement to Fox News Digital, Planned Parenthood-South Atlantic president and CEO Jenny Black expressed disappointment in the judge's decision.

"Given the impact of this case on thousands of patients across South Carolina who have been unfairly denied abortion care, we will continue to demand that the courts apply the law as written. This fight is not over," Black said.

South Carolina's Six-Week Abortion Ban Remains Intact After Court Rejects Planned Parenthood's Challenge

Planned Parenthood could reportedly appeal Judge Coble's decision to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. However, pro-life advocates are confident that the Palmetto State will remain a "safe haven for the unborn."

"South Carolina's heartbeat law secured another legal victory yesterday, with the trial court denying Planned Parenthood's preliminary injunction," Brandon Charochak, a spokesman for Republican Gov. Henry McMaster, told Fox News Digital. "Life will continue to be protected in South Carolina, and the governor will continue his fight to protect it."

The heartbeat law has had a significant impact on abortion access in South Carolina. The state only has three listed abortion providers, all in its major cities: Greenville, Columbia, and Charleston. Furthermore, the law contains exceptions only for the life and health of the mother, as well as in cases of rape or incest, provided that these are reported to law enforcement within 12 weeks.

The legal battle over abortion in South Carolina is likely to continue. However, for now, the state's six-week abortion ban remains intact, posing significant barriers to abortion access for women in the state.