St. Paul Mayor Celebrates Student Loan Forgiveness, Highlights Peace Amid Protests

St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter announces the cancellation of his student loans and calls for peaceful demonstrations while addressing America's Newsroom.

St. Paul Mayor Celebrates Student Loan Forgiveness, Highlights Peace Amid Protests

St. Paul, Minnesota Mayor Melvin Carter has proudly declared the cancellation of his student debt, posting a screenshot of his Mohela account showing a balance of $0.00. Carter expressed gratitude to President Biden for the relief, citing the President's commitment to relieve student debt despite legal challenges.

Carter's loan forgiveness comes amid rising crime rates in St. Paul, where residents have confronted local leaders over safety concerns. However, the Mayor also highlighted the beauty of peaceful protests, calling for constructive demonstrations and decisive action from leaders.

St. Paul Mayor Celebrates Student Loan Forgiveness, Highlights Peace Amid Protests

According to, Carter earned around $132,000 as mayor in 2021. Fox News Digital contacted the mayor's office for comment.

Biden has repeatedly boasted of circumventing a Supreme Court ruling that deemed his student debt relief plan unconstitutional. In 2023, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that federal law prohibits Biden's Education Secretary from canceling $430 billion in student loan debt.

St. Paul Mayor Celebrates Student Loan Forgiveness, Highlights Peace Amid Protests

Undeterred, Biden announced the Savings on Valuable Education (SAVE) plan in February, canceling debt for enrolled borrowers in repayment for at least 10 years and holding $12,000 or less in debt. Those with larger balances will receive relief after an additional year of payments for every $1,000 borrowed.

Biden has proclaimed his determination to continue working around the Supreme Court ruling. "Tens of millions of people in debt were literally about to be canceled in debts," he said. "But my MAGA Republican friends in the Congress, elected officials, and special interests stepped in and sued us. And the Supreme Court blocked it. But that didn’t stop me."

St. Paul Mayor Celebrates Student Loan Forgiveness, Highlights Peace Amid Protests

The SAVE plan is estimated to cancel $1.2 billion in student debt. Carter's loan cancellation and his emphasis on peaceful protests reflect the complex challenges facing cities like St. Paul, where economic struggles and safety concerns coexist.

Carter's stance on student loan forgiveness aligns with Biden's commitment to provide relief for working families. However, the Supreme Court ruling highlights the limitations of executive authority when it comes to addressing financial burdens.

As cities grapple with crime and economic disparities, leaders like Carter seek to balance calls for peace and the need for constructive action. The cancellation of student debt provides a glimmer of hope for individuals struggling with financial challenges, while the Mayor's emphasis on peaceful demonstrations underscores the importance of civil dialogue and collaboration in addressing community issues.