Standing with Ukraine: A Plea from a Kidnapped Survivor

Ukrainian Ksenia Koldin shares her harrowing experience of being abducted by Russia and pleads for continued American support to combat Putin's aggression and preserve Ukraine's national identity.

Standing with Ukraine: A Plea from a Kidnapped Survivor

As the horrors of war continue to unfold in Ukraine, the world watched in horror as Russian forces abducted Ukrainian children, tearing them from their homes and their families. Among these victims was Ksenia Koldin, who courageously shares her harrowing tale of survival and resistance.

Ksenia and her brother Serhiy were just teenagers when Russian authorities snatched them from their home in Ukraine. For nine long months, they were held captive, subjected to propaganda and manipulation designed to erode their Ukrainian identity. Ksenia was pressured to become a Russian citizen, while Serhiy was brainwashed into believing that Ukraine was run by Nazis and had no future for him.

Standing with Ukraine: A Plea from a Kidnapped Survivor

Amidst the darkness, a ray of hope emerged in the form of Save Ukraine, an organization dedicated to rescuing kidnapped children. With the help of a secret network, Ksenia was guided to safety, but her heart remained heavy for her brother.

Undeterred, Ksenia embarked on a perilous journey to retrieve Serhiy. She found him in a new foster home, but his mind had been poisoned by Russian propaganda. It took hours of passionate pleading for Serhiy to finally agree to return home with his sister.

Standing with Ukraine: A Plea from a Kidnapped Survivor

Ksenia's story is a chilling reminder of the atrocities committed by the Russian regime against Ukrainian children. But it is also a testament to the resilience and strength of the Ukrainian people.

Despite the horrors she endured, Ksenia remained resolute in her determination to protect her country and her national identity. She courageously shared her harrowing experience with members of Congress, advocating for continued US assistance to Ukraine.

Standing with Ukraine: A Plea from a Kidnapped Survivor

The recent $61 billion aid package passed by the US Congress sends a clear message to Putin: the United States stands with Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. Ukrainians are eternally grateful for this support, which not only enables them to defend their sovereignty but also to rebuild a future that Russia has tried to steal.

However, the battle is far from over. As long as Russian forces continue to occupy Ukrainian territory and abduct Ukrainian children, the need for support remains critical. Ksenia's plea is simple yet profound: Americans must continue to stand with Ukraine as they strive to preserve their national identity and secure a brighter future for their children.

The survival of Ukraine's democracy depends on unwavering US assistance. Together, we can combat Putin's aggression, liberate kidnapped children, and restore hope to a nation that has suffered unimaginable losses.