Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

Avoid panic and stay alert when encountering sharks, advises Chris Lowe, Director of the Shark Lab at Cal State Long Beach. He explains how sharks behave in the presence of humans and shares crucial safety tips for beachgoers.

In the vibrant waters of Southern California, where humans and sharks often coexist, it's essential to be informed about these majestic predators and how to behave responsibly in their presence. Chris Lowe, Director of the renowned Shark Lab at Cal State University (CSU) Long Beach, shares invaluable shark safety tips and emphasizes the significance of not panicking during an encounter.

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

Lowe, an expert in shark behavior, explains that sharks may act aggressively when they perceive a threat from humans. "If an animal feels threatened, it will act aggressively," he says. "It's a natural defense mechanism, like a cat arching its back when cornered."

Research conducted at the Shark Lab has shown that sharks in Southern California frequently swim near swimmers but typically disregard humans. "Sharks often swim right in front of people, but they're usually shy and cautious," Lowe says. "We observe many sharks completely ignoring people on the water's surface."

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

In the event of a shark sighting, Lowe advises beachgoers to remain composed and maintain eye contact with the predator. "Let the shark know you see it and track its movements," he says. "If your face is in the water, follow the shark. If you're on your surfboard, face it towards the shark. This will make it feel observed, reducing the likelihood of an aggressive approach."

Losing sight of a shark warrants immediate vigilance. "If you can't see the shark, check behind you," Lowe says. "Predators often approach from behind for safety reasons."

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

Aggressive sharks exhibit specific behaviors, such as "rapidly approaching and quickly retreating, circling closer, or increasing their speed," Lowe explains. In such situations, he recommends slowly backing away while maintaining eye contact. "Notify lifeguards or others in the water if you encounter an aggressive shark," he adds.

The Shark Lab at CSU Long Beach plays a vital role in educating the public about sharks and reducing unfounded fear. Lowe highlights their community outreach initiatives, including pop-up "Shark Shacks" at beaches and an annual "Sharks at the Beach" open house at the university.

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

"These events allow us to share our research and inform the community about shark behavior," Lowe says. "It's crucial to dispel myths and promote responsible interactions between humans and sharks."

Understanding shark behavior and adhering to safety guidelines can help minimize the risk of negative encounters. Lowe emphasizes the importance of staying calm, respecting these apex predators, and contributing to their conservation. "By coexisting harmoniously with sharks, we can enjoy our coastal waters while preserving marine biodiversity," he concludes.

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center

Stay Safe in Shark Waters: Expert Advice from a Renowned Shark Research Center