Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

As Fourth of July weekend approaches, beachgoers are advised to be aware of their surroundings and take precautions to minimize the risk of shark encounters. Dr. Robert Hueter, OCEARCH's senior advisor for science and academics, shares his expert tips for staying safe in the ocean.

### **Article:**

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

Before entering the ocean, check for posted precautions regarding surf and current conditions. "You can go on the OCEARCH website and see our safety tips," says Hueter. Pay attention to rip currents and follow guidelines provided by lifeguards.

Survey the water for signs of fish or bird activity. "If you see a lot of life, a lot of fish, schools of birds diving, that sort of thing, remember that there may be larger fish that are trying to feed on those smaller fish," Hueter explains. Avoid putting yourself in the middle of this activity.

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

"Don't go out too far in the summer because there are more sharks out there in the summer," advises Hueter. Especially during the Fourth of July weekend, when there are many people in the water, stay within the first sandbar, if applicable.

Never swim alone in the ocean. "Stay with other people," says Hueter. "Don't make yourself a lone target because a shark might investigate."

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

Avoid wearing flashy jewelry that could resemble fish scales, which may attract sharks. "We talk about not wearing too bright a bathing suit, but most people wear brightly colored shirts, so just keep that in mind," Hueter says.

Limit ocean swimming to daytime hours or when there are other people around. "Don't go swimming from dusk to dawn," advises Hueter. Sharks are more active during these periods and may have difficulty distinguishing you from their prey.

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

Most importantly, have fun over the holiday weekend while practicing safety tips. "Just keep in mind that we see a spike in interactions between people and sharks through the Fourth of July," says Hueter. "So, just try to be safe and practice the tips that we give out and have a great Fourth of July."

Hueter emphasizes that sharks are not actively seeking out humans but may investigate unusual objects or activities. By following these tips, beachgoers can minimize their risk of attracting sharks and enjoy the ocean safely.

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert

Staying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an ExpertStaying Safe from Sharks: Tips for Beachgoers from an Expert