Stephen A. Smith Warns of Civil War if Trump Remains a Political Force

ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith reacted to Donald Trump's guilty verdict in his hush money trial by expressing fears that it could lead to civil war in the United States.

Stephen A. Smith Warns of Civil War if Trump Remains a Political Force

Stephen A. Smith, the outspoken ESPN commentator, has expressed concerns that Donald Trump's guilty verdict in his hush money trial could lead to civil war in the United States. In a recent episode of his YouTube show, Smith said he was "scared as hell" about the prospects of Trump remaining a political force.

"It all points to civil war in this country," Smith said. "We're all pawns. We're all subject to the mercy of politicians who find a way to manipulate the system and ultimately manipulate us."

Stephen A. Smith Warns of Civil War if Trump Remains a Political Force

Smith said he had had similar fears before the January 6 Capitol riot, which was carried out by a mob of Trump supporters. He believes that Trump will not go away quietly and will continue to divide the country.

"Trump is not going to go away quietly," Smith said. "He will serve to divide America."

Stephen A. Smith Warns of Civil War if Trump Remains a Political Force

Smith has previously said that he does not believe Biden should be president for a second term, but he also does not believe that Trump should be elected. He said that his feelings toward Trump have nothing to do with his guilty verdict.

"It ain't about Trump being in jail, it ain't about him being a convicted felon," Smith said. "I don't want him to be the President of the United States, period. Because I think he's divisive, and I think he will serve to divide America."

Smith cited Trump's comments after the verdict, in which he called the trial "rigged" and the judge "crooked," as evidence of his divisive nature.

"The man is a problem," Smith said. "He's not about galvanizing and bringing people together who don't support him, only those who do. I think he puts himself above America."

Prosecutors in Trump's trial successfully proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he had falsified business records to conceal a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, a former porn star, in the lead-up to the 2016 election. Trump has denied the affair and has called the trial a "witch hunt."

Trump is facing a maximum prison sentence of 136 years when he is sentenced on July 11. The sentencing date falls just four days before the Republican National Convention.

Smith's comments come at a time of heightened political polarization in the United States. A recent poll found that 70% of Americans believe that the country is more divided than ever before. Smith's fears of civil war may seem extreme, but they reflect the deep divisions that exist within American society.

It remains to be seen whether Trump will continue to be a political force in the years to come. However, if he does, there is no doubt that he will continue to be a polarizing figure. And as Smith has pointed out, this could have dangerous consequences for the United States.