Steve Harvey's Strategic Interview with VP Kamala Harris: Lobbing for Political Slams

Comedian and TV personality Steve Harvey has defended his decision to avoid "hard-hitting" questions during an interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, explaining that his goal was to allow Harris to score political slam dunks and promote the Biden administration's agenda.

Comedian Steve Harvey has sparked controversy by defending his choice to avoid asking tough questions of Vice President Kamala Harris during an interview, citing his desire to provide her with an opportunity to showcase her political prowess.

During an appearance at the 100 Black Men of America conference in Atlanta, Harvey explained his reasoning to the audience: "That ain't what this is. I'm throwing a lob. This is an alley-oop for a dunk. Because this administration needs to get the word out of what they're actually doing and what they're actually accomplishing, so we can stop all this foolishness about 'What you doing for Black people?'"

Steve Harvey's Strategic Interview with VP Kamala Harris: Lobbing for Political Slams

Steve Harvey's Strategic Interview with VP Kamala Harris: Lobbing for Political Slams

Harvey's approach has drawn criticism from some quarters, who argue that it undermines the role of the media in holding elected officials accountable. However, Harvey maintained that his strategy was deliberate and necessary given the current political climate.

"You got to play the game different," Harvey said. "Y’all know what this is. So now this next question is another lob for her to dunk."

Steve Harvey's Strategic Interview with VP Kamala Harris: Lobbing for Political Slams

Steve Harvey's Strategic Interview with VP Kamala Harris: Lobbing for Political Slams

Harvey's comments highlight the delicate balance that interviewers must strike when interviewing politicians. On the one hand, it is important to press subjects for answers on pressing issues. On the other hand, interviewers must also be mindful of potential consequences, such as alienating the interviewee or damaging the credibility of their own platform.

In Harris' case, Harvey's decision to avoid difficult questions may have been motivated by a desire to show her in a positive light and promote the Biden administration's agenda. However, it is also possible that Harvey genuinely believes that Harris is doing a good job and deserves the opportunity to showcase her accomplishments.

Steve Harvey's Strategic Interview with VP Kamala Harris: Lobbing for Political Slams

Steve Harvey's Strategic Interview with VP Kamala Harris: Lobbing for Political Slams

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to ask hard questions is a judgment call that each interviewer must make based on their own assessment of the situation. There is no right or wrong answer, and both approaches have their own advantages and disadvantages.

In addition to his comments on the interview, Harvey also used the appearance to urge Black Americans to vote, arguing that it is essential for their ability to hold politicians accountable and demand reparations.

"If you do not vote, the analytics will show [it]," he said. "If we don't vote, how are we going to ask for something next time?

"If you ain't got no voting power- You talking about reparations? Ain’t nobody finna’ to give you no reparations [if] you don't vote," he said.

Harvey's comments come as the Biden administration faces an uphill battle in the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Recent polls show that Biden's approval ratings are low, and many voters are expressing dissatisfaction with the economy and the direction of the country.

In order to win re-election, Biden will need to shore up support among key constituencies,