Stewart Blasts Biden's Campaign for Age-Altering TikTok Video

Comedian Jon Stewart has criticized President Biden's campaign for a TikTok video that portrays him as older than his actual age, calling for the firing of those responsible.

Stewart Blasts Biden's Campaign for Age-Altering TikTok Video

Comedian Jon Stewart has launched a scathing attack on President Biden's campaign for releasing a TikTok video that makes him appear older than he is, lambasting the campaign for trying to deceive young voters.

During a recent comedy set at Netflix's comedy festival in Los Angeles, Stewart questioned the wisdom of allowing Biden to serve as president, highlighting his age as a concern. "Why are we allowing this?" Stewart asked the audience. "And now we're going to have a president that's [one of] the two oldest people that have ever run for the office of the presidency."

Stewart Blasts Biden's Campaign for Age-Altering TikTok Video

Stewart went on to mock liberals who avoid acknowledging Biden's age, stating that they should not deny what is evident to all. "I know you know how f---ing old he is, and I know you don't want to say it because Trump is so scary, but he's so f---ing old," Stewart said. "When you watch him on television, you're nervous, aren't ya?"

Stewart's comments echo previous concerns he has expressed about Biden's age. In February, he criticized Biden's defenders for claiming that he is sharp and focused in closed-door meetings, suggesting that if this were true, the campaign should release footage to prove it.

Stewart Blasts Biden's Campaign for Age-Altering TikTok Video

Stewart is not the only comedian to raise concerns about Biden's age. Fellow comedian Bill Maher has repeatedly referred to the president as "Ruth Bader Biden," comparing him to the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who chose not to step down under President Obama, allowing President Trump to appoint her replacement after her passing.

Maher has urged Biden to step aside, arguing that running for re-election would increase the likelihood of a Trump victory and damage both the country and the Democratic party.

Stewart Blasts Biden's Campaign for Age-Altering TikTok Video

Biden, who will turn 82 in November, has faced scrutiny for his occasional gaffes and missteps throughout his presidency. His age has become an even greater concern following the release of a report by Special Counsel Robert Hur, who concluded that Biden would not be charged in the classified documents probe due to his perception as a "sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory."

The report also revealed that the president could not recall key details about his biography, such as when he was vice president and what year his son Beau died.

Stewart's criticism of Biden's age-altering TikTok video highlights the growing concerns among voters about the president's fitness for office. As Biden approaches his 82nd birthday, his age and health will continue to be a topic of public debate, with his opponents likely to use it as a point of attack in the upcoming presidential campaign.