Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich warns of the dangers of a decline in traditional family values, arguing that restoring the family unit is essential for the health of America.

By Newt Gingrich

Strong families are the bedrock of strong communities and a strong nation. Unfortunately, the American family is under attack. Divorce rates are soaring, traditional marriage is eroding, and radical ideologies are tearing at the fabric of our society. These attacks are weakening our families and, by extension, our nation.

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

In his new book, "The Perilous Fight," Dr. Ben Carson offers inspiration and solutions for restoring the family unit as America's key foundation. Carson argues that a return to biblical and familial values is essential for the future of our country.

As Carson points out, three simple steps make a profound difference in a young person's chances of avoiding poverty: finishing high school, getting a full-time job, and waiting until marriage to have children. By following these steps, the likelihood of living in poverty drops to 2% or less.

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

These statistics are not surprising. Throughout our nation's history, education, marriage, and hard work have been highly valued. As Carson notes, "Those are the kind of values that frequently are passed on through the family. However, when you have the dissolution of the traditional nuclear family, you are not getting those kinds of values passed on."

The lack of stable mother and father figures has severe negative consequences on children's lives. Children who come from broken homes are 2.3 times as likely to be homeless, twice as likely to get in trouble with the police or end up in jail, twice as likely to experience educational underachievement, and more likely to experience alcoholism, drug abuse, or teen pregnancy.

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

Alarmingly, Carson believes that our enemies seek to destroy America from within by attacking our traditional family-focused foundation. They have been chipping away at this foundation for decades, trying to gain control of schools, teachers' unions, and college newspapers to indoctrinate and radicalize our children.

In many parts of America, these goals have succeeded, leading to a decline in our morality and national identity. A recent poll found that 84% of Americans believe that parents have the right to know what is happening in the classroom. Yet, teachers' unions are bitterly opposed to parental oversight, spending billions of dollars on politics to restrict it.

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

As a result of this radicalism in the classroom, many parents have turned to homeschooling. Homeschooling has doubled since 2020, and many families are waiting years to get their children into private or religious schools. This shows that the American people are aware of what is happening and are taking steps to protect their children.

The pandemic opened a window into the world of classroom indoctrination. Parents are rejecting this false education and seeking alternatives. We must join together to re-establish America's core biblical and familial values before the whole system collapses. This effort starts at home. The future of our nation depends on the health of our families and communities.

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

* Strong families are essential for building a strong nation.

* Divorce rates, the erosion of traditional marriage, and radical ideologies are weakening American families.

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

Strong Families: The Cornerstone of a Strong Nation

* Education, marriage, and hard work are key to a successful life, but these values are often not passed on in broken homes.

* Parental oversight in education is crucial, but teachers' unions are opposing it.

* Homeschooling and private schools are becoming more popular as parents seek alternatives to radicalized public schools.

* We must return to biblical and familial values to restore the health of American families and the nation as a whole.