Sudan: Forgotten War Ravages Country, Threatening Millions with Famine

The ongoing conflict in Sudan has displaced millions, claimed thousands of lives, and left an estimated five million people facing famine. Despite the severity of the crisis, international attention and aid have been lacking, leaving the Sudanese people to endure a double tragedy of war and neglect.

Sudan: Forgotten War Ravages Country, Threatening Millions with Famine

The conflict in Sudan has torn the country apart, with up to 10 million people displaced and 150,000 killed, according to the United Nations and U.S. sources. Despite the devastating human toll, the conflict has been largely ignored by the international community.

Observers say the war has been a "forgotten conflict," overshadowed by other regional disputes like the Gaza conflict. The Sudanese people have been left wondering why the world has turned a blind eye to their plight.

Sudan: Forgotten War Ravages Country, Threatening Millions with Famine

With 25 million people in need of humanitarian assistance, the situation in Sudan is dire. The aid agency Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has described the international neglect as "shocking."

On the ground, the Sudanese people face a daily struggle for survival. In the Zamzam refugee camp in North Darfur, around 75 people die of malnutrition and disease every day.

Sudan: Forgotten War Ravages Country, Threatening Millions with Famine

The conflict has forced many to flee their homes multiple times, leaving them displaced and vulnerable. As one analyst put it, the people of Sudan face "a double tragedy" of war and displacement.

External actors have become increasingly involved in the conflict, their interests driven by gold from Sudan's mines and geopolitical influence. The UAE has been backing the rebel forces, while Sudan's army has received aid from Iran and recently announced a deal with Russia for a refueling port on the Red Sea.

Sudan: Forgotten War Ravages Country, Threatening Millions with Famine

Experts warn that the longer the conflict continues, the more dependent the warring parties become on external support and the less leverage the U.S. and other international actors have to influence the outcome.

The U.S. has appointed a special envoy to Sudan, but analysts have criticized the Biden administration for its lack of action. Senator James Risch has accused the administration of "empty statements and commitments" while ignoring the desperate pleas of the Sudanese people.

Sudan: Forgotten War Ravages Country, Threatening Millions with Famine

Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently spoke to Sudan's de facto ruler, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, but analysts say the U.S. has little leverage over the warring parties.

The State Department has called on the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces to negotiate a ceasefire, adhere to international law, and improve humanitarian access. However, analysts say Sudan's warring parties are increasingly turning to external actors for support, deepening the suffering of the Sudanese people.

Sudan: Forgotten War Ravages Country, Threatening Millions with Famine

The U.S. has accused the UAE of providing support to the belligerents, but the UAE has denied these allegations. The U.S. has also expressed concern over the involvement of Russia and Iran in the conflict.

Sudan: Forgotten War Ravages Country, Threatening Millions with Famine