Surge in Antisemitism Prompts Outrage and Concern

Brooke Goldstein, founder of "End Jew Hatred," discusses the alarming rise in anti-Semitism in the US and reacts to a congressional hearing on combating anti-Israel chaos on college campuses. Glenbrook South High School in Illinois launches an investigation after a deeply offensive quote about the Hamas terrorist attack appears in its yearbook.

Surge in Antisemitism Prompts Outrage and Concern

In recent years, there has been a disturbing surge in anti-Semitic incidents across the United States. This alarming trend has raised concerns among Jewish communities and prompted calls for action from officials and organizations.

One recent example of anti-Semitism occurred at Glenbrook South High School in Glenview, Illinois. In the school's 2024 yearbook, a quote from a 10th-grade student expressed support for Hamas's terrorist attack against Israel.

Surge in Antisemitism Prompts Outrage and Concern

The quote read, "In my opinion, it isn't a war, considering this has been going on for 75 years. The first day, I woke up and I saw what Palestine did, and I was happy because they're finally defending themselves."

Glenbrook South High School has launched an investigation into the matter, expressing "profound regret" over the printing of the quote. The school emphasized that the student's views do not represent those of the school or district.

Surge in Antisemitism Prompts Outrage and Concern

Pete Glowacki, vice president of the school district's Board of Education, condemned the statements as hurtful and "will not be condoned or tolerated." The Board has directed the administration to thoroughly investigate the matter.

The quote has sparked outrage in the community. At a recent school board meeting, "dozens" of speakers expressed anger and demanded action.

Surge in Antisemitism Prompts Outrage and Concern

This incident is not the only yearbook controversy in the area. Bartlett High School halted the distribution of its yearbook after a photo featuring a group of pro-Palestinian students, one of them holding a sign reading, "From the river to the sea."

The decision sparked a backlash, with Bartlett's Muslim Student Association collecting signatures declaring the antisemitism allegation "false." The school later resumed distribution of the yearbook, but clarified that the photo would not be included.

The recent incidents have highlighted the need for increased vigilance against anti-Semitism. Brooke Goldstein, founder of "End Jew Hatred," called for a united stand against hate and urged non-Jewish individuals to speak out against anti-Semitism.

Experts emphasize the importance of fostering understanding and critical thinking in young people. Adolescence is a time when students are grappling with their identities and perspectives, making it crucial to provide them with a balanced and informed education about diverse viewpoints.

It is also essential to address threats and intimidation directed at individuals who speak out against anti-Semitism. Such actions create a climate of fear and silence that must be condemned.

Fighting anti-Semitism requires ongoing monitoring, investigation, and proactive efforts. By condemning hateful speech, promoting understanding, and protecting those who stand against intolerance, we can work towards a more inclusive and tolerant society.