Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

The Biden administration has come under fire for potentially using taxpayer money to transport a known terrorist to Minnesota, with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas refusing to answer questions on the matter. This case highlights the administration's broader failure to ensure national security at the southern border, as revealed by a Heritage Foundation investigation.

The Biden administration's handling of the border crisis has reached a new low, with the revelation that a known terrorist was allowed to roam freely for months after being released into the United States. This case is not an isolated incident but part of a systemic failure to protect the homeland, as evidenced by the administration's refusal to provide transparency and accountability.

In January, reports emerged that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) allowed a Somali individual, later identified as a member of the terrorist organization al-Shabaab, to enter and remain in the United States for almost a year. The individual was released into the country at the southern border and somehow made his way to Minnesota, where he was eventually arrested.

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

Despite the gravity of the situation, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has remained silent, refusing to answer questions from Congress and the media. A letter sent by Minnesota's Republican congressional delegation seeking answers on the terrorist's travel and support went unanswered.

The Heritage Foundation, in its ongoing investigation, has uncovered disturbing evidence suggesting that the terrorist may have received assistance from the Biden administration's Emergency Food and Shelter Program-Humanitarian (EFSP-H). This program provides long-range transportation, legal services, and other support to illegal aliens encountered at the border.

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

According to Heritage's estimates, as many as two million illegal aliens may have gained access to such transportation through the EFSP-H program. In a FOIA request, Heritage sought records of travel expenses incurred by the program but was met with a response from FEMA claiming it did not hold such documents.

This lack of transparency extends to the Biden administration's proposed Shelter and Services Program (SSP), which will replace EFSP-H. In its proposed budget, DHS requested $1.4 billion for the SSP, without providing adequate oversight mechanisms to prevent taxpayer dollars from being misappropriated.

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

The Biden administration's failure to answer basic questions about its border policies, coupled with its doubling down on programs that facilitate the transportation of unknown individuals, raises serious concerns about its ability to protect national security.

Congress has the power to defund the SSP and demand accountability from DHS. It must use this power to ensure that taxpayer dollars are not used to support unvetted illegal aliens and that terrorists are not allowed to roam freely within our borders.

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

The American people deserve answers from the Biden administration on the dangers it has welcomed to the country. The silence and evasiveness of Mayorkas and his team are a testament to their incompetence and their unwillingness to take responsibility for their failures.

Until these questions are answered and the administration takes concrete steps to secure the border, the United States will remain vulnerable to the threats posed by illegal immigration and terrorism.

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border

Taxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the BorderTaxpayer Dollars Funding Terror Transportation: Biden's Dereliction at the Border