Ted Danson Opens Up: "I Was a Liar in My Relationship" Until My 40s

In a candid interview with NPR, "Cheers" star Ted Danson reflects on his past emotional immaturity and the impact it had on his relationships and personal growth.

Ted Danson, renowned for his iconic role as Sam Malone in the beloved sitcom "Cheers," has embarked on a journey of introspection, candidly acknowledging his past struggles with emotional immaturity. In a revealing interview with NPR, the actor laid bare the challenges he faced in his personal life, shedding light on the transformative power of self-awareness and self-improvement.

Danson admitted that for the first half of his life, he grappled with emotional immaturity, a struggle that manifested itself in dishonesty within his relationships. "I didn't really grow up emotionally until I was in my 40s, and I was a bit of a liar in my relationship," Danson confessed, choosing to keep his sentiments hidden.

Ted Danson Opens Up:

Ted Danson Opens Up: "I Was a Liar in My Relationship" Until My 40s

This emotional immaturity took its toll on Danson's parents, who witnessed their son's struggles unfold in the public eye. "So, that was all kind of messily in the press, and my poor parents were going, ‘What?’” Danson recalled. Despite the challenging circumstances, Danson's parents remained supportive, offering him solace and encouragement.

The actor emphasized the profound impact that his journey of self-discovery had on his life, particularly in the realm of relationships. "The work underneath the press was invaluable," Danson remarked. "I'm very glad for that time, even though it was messy, very messy."

Ted Danson Opens Up:

Ted Danson Opens Up: "I Was a Liar in My Relationship" Until My 40s

Danson's reflections on his past are tinged with a sense of regret, yet he maintains that he would not alter a single aspect of his life's trajectory. "I wouldn't choose a do-over. You know, if I did something differently, and I took a different path, I wouldn't be with my wife, Mary Steenburgen," he said, expressing immense gratitude for the fulfilling life he has built with his beloved partner.

In 1995, Danson found solace and stability in his marriage to Mary Steenburgen. Her unwavering acceptance of his past has played a transformative role in his life. "Our life together is so empty of secrets," Danson gushed. "If there's even a moment when I didn't exactly tell the truth, it's so devastating to me that I immediately grind to a halt and say, ‘I got to talk to you.’ Being truthful, it greases the skids of life."

Ted Danson Opens Up:

Ted Danson Opens Up: "I Was a Liar in My Relationship" Until My 40s

Danson's journey of self-discovery has deepened his appreciation for the power of honesty and authenticity. "I wish I hadn't become a liar and walked out the back door early in life," he expressed. "I wish that hadn't been me, but even your wounds, you kind of have fondness for if you've gone through them and live through it and acknowledged it and made amends and all that stuff."

In reflecting on his past, Danson has gained a profound understanding of the importance of embracing one's history, both the triumphs and the missteps. "I wouldn't change anything because 'if I did something differently, and I took a different path, I wouldn't be with my wife, Mary Steenburgen," he asserted.

Ted Danson's journey is a testament to the transformative power of self-awareness, honesty, and the enduring bonds of human connection. His candid reflections offer a poignant reminder that even our most challenging moments can shape us into the individuals we are meant to be.