Teen's Spinal Cord Severed in Pool Accident

A Texas teen's spinal cord was severed after he jumped into a pool while trying to escape a wasp, according to his family. The accident highlights the importance of water safety and the devastating consequences that can result from even minor pool incidents.

A Texas teen's life was forever changed after he suffered a severe spinal cord injury in a pool accident.

According to his family, 13-year-old SJ Williams was trying to escape a wasp when he jumped or flipped head-first into the shallow end of a community pool on June 20. The impact severed his spinal cord and fractured several other bones.

Teen's Spinal Cord Severed in Pool Accident

Teen's Spinal Cord Severed in Pool Accident

"He said all he remembers after the jump, is floating face down in the pool thinking that his arm was floating next to him (because he couldn’t feel it)," his family wrote on a GoFundMe page set up for his medical expenses.

"He said he thought he was going to drown because he couldn’t move, so he was just swallowing water. His friends said they thought he was just floating and playing at first."

Teen's Spinal Cord Severed in Pool Accident

Teen's Spinal Cord Severed in Pool Accident

If it weren't for one of SJ's friends who realized he was not playing around, SJ might not be alive today, his family noted.

"SJ was rushed to the hospital and we received absolutely devastating news. His spinal cord had been severed so badly that he will not have use of his legs and arms," the GoFundMe description states. "SJ has been admitted to PICU. The fractured bones were repaired. However, the spinal cord is the main stem of the body, and we’re being told it's not repairable."

Teen's Spinal Cord Severed in Pool Accident

Teen's Spinal Cord Severed in Pool Accident

The accident has been a devastating blow to SJ and his family. His mother, Anya, said she refuses to believe that this is her son's story.

"Life happens quick. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Never take anything or anyone for granted. You NEVER think it’ll happen to you, until it happens to you," Anya wrote in a Facebook post after the accident.

Teen's Spinal Cord Severed in Pool Accident

Teen's Spinal Cord Severed in Pool Accident

"He’s ONLY 13! He has WAY too much more life to actually LIVE & FULLY ENJOY," she wrote. "SJ has so much support and so many prayers being said and spoken everywhere."

The accident has also highlighted the importance of water safety. Drowning is the leading cause of accidental death for children under the age of 5, and even strong swimmers can be at risk.

Parents and caregivers should always supervise children around water, and children should always wear a life jacket when swimming. It is also important to know the signs and symptoms of drowning, and to call for help immediately if someone is in trouble.

SJ's family has set up a GoFundMe page to help cover his medical expenses. As of July 12, the page has raised over $60,000.