Tennis Prodigy Kylie McKenzie Awarded $9 Million for Sexual Assault Cover-Up by USTA

In a groundbreaking case, Kylie McKenzie, a former tennis prodigy, has been awarded $9 million in a federal lawsuit against the United States Tennis Association (USTA). The lawsuit alleges that the USTA failed to protect McKenzie from being sexually assaulted by her former coach at a training facility in Florida in 2018.

Tennis Prodigy Kylie McKenzie Awarded $9 Million for Sexual Assault Cover-Up by USTA

Kylie McKenzie was once hailed as a rising star in the tennis world. At the age of 12, she joined the USTA's full-time training team in California. By 15, she had won the national U-16 championship. However, her promising career took a tragic turn in 2018 when she allegedly became the victim of sexual assault.

Tennis Prodigy Kylie McKenzie Awarded $9 Million for Sexual Assault Cover-Up by USTA

According to McKenzie's lawsuit, Anibal Aranda, her then-34-year-old coach, assaulted her on a back court at the USTA's Orlando training facility. The USTA, she claimed, failed to disclose that Aranda had previously assaulted a former employee.

McKenzie's lawsuit alleged that the USTA had a "conscious disregard for the rights and safety of others," and that it attempted to keep her case quiet. After a thorough investigation, the jury agreed, awarding McKenzie $3 million in compensatory damages and $6 million in punitive damages.

Tennis Prodigy Kylie McKenzie Awarded $9 Million for Sexual Assault Cover-Up by USTA

The lawsuit gained national attention and sparked conversations about the prevalence of sexual abuse in the sports world. McKenzie stated that she suffers from panic attacks, anxiety, and depression as a result of the assault. She hopes that her case will encourage other victims to speak out.

The USTA has said that it will "pursue all avenues of appeal." In a statement, the organization expressed sympathy for McKenzie but argued that the court's decision sets "a new and unreasonable expectation for victims."

McKenzie's attorney, Robert Allard, countered the USTA's statement, emphasizing that the jury found the organization failed to regulate itself. "They don't put athletes first," he said.

The case highlights the importance of protecting athletes from sexual abuse. McKenzie has vowed to continue pursuing her tennis career despite the trauma she has endured. Her story is a testament to the courage it takes for victims to come forward.

Sexual abuse in sports is a widespread problem. Studies have shown that athletes are at an increased risk of experiencing sexual violence compared to non-athletes. This disparity is particularly prevalent in youth sports.

Organizations like the USTA have a responsibility to create a safe environment for athletes. Failure to do so can have devastating consequences for the victims. The award of $9 million in this case sends a clear message that sexual abuse will not be tolerated.

McKenzie's case is a turning point in the fight against sexual abuse in sports. Her bravery has empowered other victims to come forward and seek justice. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that all athletes are safe from harm.