The Biden Administration's Afghanistan Denial: Threatening National Security

Three years after the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, experts are sounding the alarm about the Biden administration's ongoing denial of the devastating consequences. Former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster exposes the administration's refusal to acknowledge the resurgence of terrorism, the geopolitical implications, and the abandonment of Afghan allies.

Three years have passed since the tragic suicide bombing at Kabul's Hamid Karzai International Airport, an event that claimed the lives of 13 American service members and over 100 Afghan civilians. As the nation commemorates the loss of these brave individuals, former Trump National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster has lambasted the Biden administration for its persistent denial of the withdrawal's catastrophic effects.

McMaster, author of the new book "At War With Ourselves," argues that the administration has been living in a state of illusion, downplaying the interconnected threats posed by the Afghanistan withdrawal. According to his meticulous analysis, at least 65 terror cells have reemerged within Afghanistan's borders, posing a grave threat to American and global security.

The Biden Administration's Afghanistan Denial: Threatening National Security

The Biden Administration's Afghanistan Denial: Threatening National Security

"We are still dealing with what I would call the stain of August 2021," McMaster declared on "America's Newsroom." "The consequences are not just the resurgence of jihadist terrorist organizations, but also the setback for women's rights, the regional instability, and the geopolitical implications."

McMaster's assessment aligns with numerous reports and expert opinions, painting a grim picture of the Biden administration's mismanagement of the withdrawal. The hasty and chaotic evacuation process not only left Americans and Afghan allies stranded but also emboldened terrorist groups and provided a resurgence for the Taliban.

The Biden Administration's Afghanistan Denial: Threatening National Security

The Biden Administration's Afghanistan Denial: Threatening National Security

The administration's denial, McMaster maintains, extends to the withdrawal's geopolitical ramifications. "I think you can draw a direct line between August 2021 and the renewed invasion of Ukraine in February 2022," he stated. "Putin looked at us leaving in such disarray and said, 'These guys are finished.'"

The abandonment of Afghan allies, who fought alongside American troops, has also weighed heavily on McMaster's conscience. "They abandoned the Afghan people," he said. "They threw them under the bus... We negotiated a surrender, essentially, as I would call it. A self-defeat, at least."

The Biden Administration's Afghanistan Denial: Threatening National Security

The Biden Administration's Afghanistan Denial: Threatening National Security

McMaster's condemnation of the Biden administration's Afghanistan withdrawal echoes the sentiments of numerous military experts and observers. The withdrawal's disastrous consequences, they warn, continue to reverberate through American society and the global geopolitical landscape.

In conclusion, the Biden administration's denial of the Afghanistan withdrawal's true impact poses a serious threat to national security. The administration's unwillingness to confront the resurgence of terrorism, the geopolitical consequences, and the betrayal of Afghan allies undermines American credibility and jeopardizes the nation's future interests.