The Biden Dementia Scandal: The Media's Latest Cover-Up

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld compares the media's handling of President Biden's cognitive decline to the Weinstein scandal, suggesting that they are covering up the truth in order to distract from the administration's failures.

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld has drawn a startling comparison between the media's treatment of President Biden's cognitive decline and the Weinstein scandal. According to Gutfeld, both situations involve a powerful figure being exposed for misconduct, with the media initially ignoring the allegations or attempting to downplay them.

The Biden Dementia Scandal: The Media's Latest Cover-Up

The Biden Dementia Scandal: The Media's Latest Cover-Up

Gutfeld argues that the media's shock over Biden's recent debate performance is a sign of a larger cover-up. He compares it to Harvey Weinstein's initial response to accusations against him, when he claimed that his actions would be forgiven if he helped defeat Donald Trump.

"Doesn't that sound exactly like what's happening now?" Gutfeld asks. "Like that scary dog your whole neighborhood hated? The Biden dementia story has escaped the yard barking and leaving a trail of poop behind it. And once again, Trump hatred is the weapon of mass distraction."

The Biden Dementia Scandal: The Media's Latest Cover-Up

The Biden Dementia Scandal: The Media's Latest Cover-Up

He accuses the media of ignoring the signs of Biden's decline, such as his basement campaign in 2020, his reliance on pre-submitted question cards, and his frequent gaffes. Now that the story has become impossible to ignore, the media is suddenly running with it full blast, he says.

Gutfeld suggests that the media's focus on Trump-related scandals, such as the Russian collusion investigation and the January 6th insurrection, was a deliberate attempt to distract from Biden's own issues. He argues that the media has consistently given Democrats a pass while scrutinizing Republicans relentlessly.

"To the left, it's a giant scandal vaccine," Gutfeld says. "Just keep injecting Trump as Hitler into the narrative and you can cure any bad publicity for the left."

However, Gutfeld acknowledges that the media is now covering Biden's decline because it has become a moneymaker. He accuses them of covering their mortgages rather than their reputations.

"The great Joe Biden dementia scandal is suddenly getting the clicks from the general audience, unlike the red soy meat the media usually feeds their left wing base," Gutfeld says.

He concludes by questioning the media's credibility, arguing that they have been caught lying about other scandals in the past.

"Suddenly the media, the dems, are all truth tellers," Gutfeld says. "Even Jerry Nadler is questioning Joe's fitness, and he looks like a parade float with a slow leak."