The Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of Guatemala

In an exclusive interview with Fox News, former Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei expresses severe dissatisfaction with the lack of communication and support from the Biden-Harris administration. Giammattei alleges that his repeated offers to collaborate on stemming the flow of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border were met with indifference, and that Vice President Harris treated him with disdain. This apparent disengagement has had detrimental consequences for both Guatemala and the United States.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News, former Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei has expressed his disappointment with the Biden-Harris administration's lack of engagement with his country, particularly regarding the ongoing immigration crisis. Giammattei alleges that since a June meeting with Vice President Kamala Harris, he has had no further contact with her or her designated "border czar," Ambassador Todd Robinson.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of Guatemala

The Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of Guatemala

Giammattei's frustration stems from the Biden administration's refusal to accept his offer of bilateral cooperation in securing their mutual border. He claims that his proposal to close Guatemala's southern border with Honduras and El Salvador was met with rejection, leaving the flow of migrants unchecked. Moreover, Giammattei accuses the U.S. ambassador of colluding with indigenous leaders and exerting undue pressure on his government, particularly in relation to his appointment of Consuelo Porras as attorney general.

The lack of communication and support from the Biden administration has hindered Guatemala's efforts to address the root causes of migration, such as poverty and violence. Giammattei's criticism further highlights the challenges facing Central American nations in combating the underlying factors that drive people to seek asylum in the United States.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of Guatemala

The Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of Guatemala

The Biden administration's neglect of Guatemala has also had negative consequences for the United States itself. By failing to address the issue of migration at its source, the administration has allowed the problem to escalate into a full-blown crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. The influx of migrants has overwhelmed border patrol agents, strained detention facilities, and exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in the region.

In a desperate attempt to stem the tide of migrants, the Biden administration has turned to the Mexican government for help, a move that has raised concerns about the reliability of Mexico as a partner in this endeavor. Mexico's own history of corruption and human rights abuses makes it a questionable choice for handling the sensitive issue of migration management.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of Guatemala

The Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of Guatemala

Giammattei's candid assessment of the Biden-Harris administration's shortcomings underscores the importance of meaningful engagement with neighboring countries in addressing shared challenges. The administration's failure to prioritize cooperation with Guatemala has not only failed to solve the immigration crisis but has also damaged relations with a key ally in the region. It is imperative that the Biden administration reassess its approach to Central America and engage in constructive dialogue with countries like Guatemala to address the root causes of migration and strengthen regional stability.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of GuatemalaThe Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of GuatemalaThe Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of GuatemalaThe Biden-Harris Administration's Neglect of Guatemala