The Biden-Harris Economy: The Great Depression for Men

A recent report by Senator Marco Rubio details the decades-long decline in the fortunes of working men in the United States, arguing that the Biden-Harris administration's claims of a comeback are unfounded. The report highlights the challenges faced by men in finding good jobs, the decline in manufacturing employment, and the lack of progress in addressing the number of men without work.

In a report released on Labor Day 2023, Senator Marco Rubio painted a grim picture of the state of male employment in the United States. According to Rubio, the percentage of men aged 25-54 who reported working at all has fallen from almost 100% in the 1950s to about 90% today, a level comparable to the Great Depression era.

Rubio further argues that the Biden-Harris administration's claims of a dramatic comeback for men are nothing more than "sleight of hand" and that the challenges faced by men remain as formidable as ever. Despite White House claims of revitalizing American manufacturing and boosting the economy, Rubio points to data showing that manufacturing employment has flatlined and decreased in recent years, and that real hourly wages have declined under the Biden administration.

The Biden-Harris Economy: The Great Depression for Men

The Biden-Harris Economy: The Great Depression for Men

The report highlights the impact of these challenges on the lives of men, noting that the male suicide rate has exceeded 23 people per 100,000, one of the highest such rates in history.

Rubio proposes several steps that the government could take to improve the fortunes of working-age men, including doubling down on pro-American industrial policies, promoting vocational training in high schools, and eliminating marriage penalties in the tax code. However, he argues that the Biden-Harris administration appears uninterested in taking any of these steps, instead relying on misleading statistics and a wave of low-wage immigration to obscure the true state of affairs.

The Biden-Harris Economy: The Great Depression for Men

The Biden-Harris Economy: The Great Depression for Men

Rubio concludes by emphasizing the importance of strong men to society, and warns that America cannot long survive without them. He urges a change in course, arguing that the future strength of the nation depends on it.

The Biden-Harris Economy: The Great Depression for Men