The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

Despite months of defending President Biden's mental acuity, liberal media outlets and Democratic allies have abruptly reversed course following his widely criticized debate performance, which has raised concerns about his age and mental viability.

President Biden's allies in the liberal media have been vigorously defending his mental fitness, dismissing concerns raised by special counsel investigations, critical reports, and on-camera examples of his advanced age as "cheap fakes." However, Biden's recent debate performance has sparked a significant shift in their stance.

During the debate, Biden was widely criticized for appearing frail and listless, repeatedly losing his train of thought mid-sentence. These concerns were echoed by NBC's Chuck Todd, who noted that Biden's performance aligned with the caricature painted by conservative media.

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

In the wake of the debate, numerous liberal pundits have expressed remorse and concern, acknowledging that Biden's performance raises legitimate questions about his fitness for office. Bari Weiss, founder of The Free Press, condemned the debate as a "catastrophe" for media figures who have insisted that Biden is sharp. She highlighted instances of Biden media sycophants, such as MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and "The View" co-host Ana Navarro, who recently praised his energy and engagement.

Even White House reporters have acknowledged the inescapable nature of Biden's age following the debate. They recognize that the administration can no longer dismiss evidence of his decline.

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

In February, Special Counsel Robert Hur absolved Biden of criminal wrongdoing in handling classified documents, citing his "elderly" status and "poor memory." At the time, CNN commentator Paul Begala insisted that people who had worked with Biden found him "totally focused" and "very sharp." CNN's Anderson Cooper also defended Biden, stating that he had found him "incredibly heartfelt and intense" in a recent interview.

However, Cooper's views have since changed, as he engaged in a debate with Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday night, questioning whether the "hyper-competent" Biden she described aligned with his recent appearance.

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

The Wall Street Journal's June report on Biden's "slipping" behind closed doors was met with derision from Bidenworld and media allies, who dismissed it as a "partisan hit job." Left-wing writer Brian Beutler accused the piece of an "egregious hit job," while CNN media reporter Oliver Darcy erupted in an attack on the paper's reporting.

Despite Darcy's previous insistence that Hur's depiction of Biden's mental state did not match reality, he now claims that the Journal's report "suffers from glaring problems." He accused the paper of holding Biden to a different standard than Trump, who is often disregarded for his mental lapses.

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-host Joe Scarborough declared the report a "Trump hit piece on Biden," while left-wing media watchdog group Media Matters called it "comically weak." However, Wall Street Journal editor-in-chief Emma Tucker has expressed vindication following the debate.

In July, White House officials dismissed a series of viral videos that showed Biden confused and disoriented at public events, labeling them "cheap fakes." The press largely accepted this narrative. However, many have reconsidered after the debate. The New York Times editorial board has even called for Biden to step aside.

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

The Cheap Fake Narrative: Democrats' Attempt to Dismiss Biden's Decline

Scarborough, who earlier this year praised Biden's intellect, has questioned whether a Fortune 500 corporation would keep a CEO after a similar performance. Frequent show guest Donny Deutsch has also expressed concerns.

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, a close friend of Biden, urged him to step aside after the debate performance, claiming it made him "weep." Other Times columnists, such as Nicholas Kristof and Paul Krugman, have also joined the chorus of voices calling for Biden to step down.

The abrupt about-face by Biden's supporters underscores the impact of his recent performance. The "cheap fake" narrative that they once embraced has been shattered, and questions about Biden's fitness for office are now front and center.