The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

Edna Cowell Martin, cousin of notorious serial killer Ted Bundy, pens a harrowing memoir, "Dark Tide," detailing the startling realization that her childhood companion had become a monstrous predator. The chilling moment that shattered Martin's innocence occurred during Bundy's arrest, forever altering her life and challenging the idyllic memories of their shared past.

Edna Cowell Martin, the cousin of infamous serial killer Ted Bundy, has released a riveting memoir, "Dark Tide," recounting her chilling childhood and the haunting realization that her once-beloved cousin was a monster.

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

Martin, now 72, depicts the pivotal moment that irrevocably changed her perspective of Bundy. In 1975, after Bundy's arrest for kidnapping and subsequent release on bail, Martin remained hopeful that her cousin was innocent. However, an unsettling incident at a bookstore altered everything.

As Martin exited the bookstore, she witnessed a surreal scene: people pointing and rushing towards a man standing in the center of the crowd, who had inexplicably outstretched his hands like a messiah. To her horror, Martin realized it was her cousin, Ted Bundy, repeatedly uttering, "I'm Ted Bundy."

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

"That's when it just hit me that no one would do that if they were innocent," Martin recalls. "That was the chilling moment that I went from hoping beyond hope that this was all a big mistake, to realizing that this guy was a monster."

Martin had grown close to Bundy in adulthood, often inviting him over to socialize with her friends. The news of his crimes became an unbearable burden, as she grappled with the realization that a person she had trusted and admired had committed such heinous acts.

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

Furthermore, the disappearances and murders of young women in her neighborhood, including one who lived just across the street, brought Bundy's proximity to her life into chilling focus. "Three of them disappeared and were later found to be murdered by him," Martin recalls. "So, Ted would walk from his apartment, pass by the front door of my apartment building … around the corner to where she lived. And just when I found that out … it just made me so ill."

Martin's memoir delves into her family's history and Bundy's upbringing, exploring the enigmatic factors that may have contributed to his twisted psyche. Martin's father was a renowned pianist and music professor, while her mother served in the U.S. military during World War II. Bundy's mother, Louise Cowell, raised him as a single parent after his father's absence, leading Martin to speculate that Bundy's search for his biological father may have fueled his inner turmoil.

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

"I think that would have answered a lot of questions for him," Martin said. "We don't know anything about his biological father and whether he had any kind of mental illness or anything. … It's a big question mark."

Martin's book also includes letters from Bundy written during his time in prison before his 1989 execution. These letters reveal Bundy's narcissistic personality and manipulative tactics, attempting to convince Martin that she was overreacting and should calm down.

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster

Through her memoir, Martin hopes to shed light on the impact of Bundy's crimes on his family and the victims' loved ones. "I'm hoping that it helps somebody along the way," Martin said. "Because we don't choose our families, right? They are who they are. They're good or bad. … There's nothing you can do about it."

The Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a MonsterThe Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a MonsterThe Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a MonsterThe Chilling Moment: Edna Cowell Martin Recounts the Moment She Knew Ted Bundy Was a Monster