The Constitution Under Attack: Media's Assault on America's Foundation

Fox News host Laura Ingraham and podcaster Joe Rogan have denounced a recent New York Times article questioning the Constitution's relevance in modern democracy. The article has sparked outrage and concern among conservatives, who view it as an assault on the fundamental principles of the United States.

The New York Times has come under fire for publishing an article titled "The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?" written by book critic Jennifer Szalai. The article speculates that the Constitution may be a threat to America's politics, citing the Electoral College system and the potential for authoritarianism.

The Constitution Under Attack: Media's Assault on America's Foundation

The Constitution Under Attack: Media's Assault on America's Foundation

The article has drawn the ire of Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who called out the media's portrayal of the Harris-Walz campaign and lack of understanding of the Constitution. Podcaster Joe Rogan also expressed outrage, questioning the logic behind the Times' suggestion that the Constitution could pose a threat to democracy.

In a discussion with author Bret Weinstein, Rogan marveled at the headline and lede of the article, asking rhetorically, "What the f--- are you talking about? One of the greatest documents that any country was ever founded on, if not the greatest ever? That could be a threat to America’s politics?"

The Constitution Under Attack: Media's Assault on America's Foundation

The Constitution Under Attack: Media's Assault on America's Foundation

Rogan argued that The New York Times is playing into the hands of authoritarian forces that seek to undermine the Constitution. He said, "There’s obviously an authoritarian force there that just grinds its teeth at night over the Constitution and the fact that it prevents it from doing things that it just wants to do last week, you know? And so of course, they’re like, scratching their heads, like ‘Can we come up with an argument for why it might be time to get rid of that thing?'"

Weinstein supported Rogan's view, suggesting that the article fits with the ethos of The New York Times readership. He said, "If you’re a normal, thinking person, this is complete insanity. But, if you’re a New York Times reader, I’m sure that fits with the kind of ethos that’s been cultivated."

The Constitution Under Attack: Media's Assault on America's Foundation

The Constitution Under Attack: Media's Assault on America's Foundation

Rogan also pointed out that the left's arguments against the Constitution are often bolstered by the presence of a perceived threat, such as former President Trump. He said, "You can't make that argument that we don't need- we can't have a First Amendment because the First Amendment is getting in the way, the First Amendment is allowing people to say things that aren't true, ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation.’"

The article has raised concerns among conservatives who view it as an attack on the Constitution and the principles upon which the United States was founded. They argue that the Constitution has served as a bulwark against tyranny and has protected individual liberties for over two centuries.

The Constitution Under Attack: Media's Assault on America's Foundation

The Constitution Under Attack: Media's Assault on America's Foundation

The debate over the Constitution's relevance is likely to continue as the media and pundits analyze the implications of Szalai's article. The article serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting the Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees.