The Danger of DEI-Driven Politics: Kamala Harris's Incompetence Threatens the Nation

MSNBC analyst Matthew Dowd warns against the perils of hiring based on DEI criteria, highlighting Vice President Kamala Harris's lack of qualifications and her promotion of harmful far-left policies.

Amidst speculation of Kamala Harris's potential presidential bid, former Democratic strategist James Carville has cautioned against premature celebration. However, MSNBC's Matthew Dowd vehemently disagrees, arguing that Harris's candidacy poses grave risks to the nation. Dowd maintains that Harris's ascent to power is a direct result of her identity politics, not her qualifications or experience.

The Danger of DEI-Driven Politics: Kamala Harris's Incompetence Threatens the Nation

The Danger of DEI-Driven Politics: Kamala Harris's Incompetence Threatens the Nation

Harris's unwavering advocacy for "equity" has led her to prioritize equal outcomes over equal opportunities, a dangerous ideology that undermines the very foundation of racial equality. Her insistence on appointing individuals based on race and gender has resulted in unqualified hires in critical positions, as evidenced by the Secret Service's recent performance failures.

In her role as "border czar," Harris has presided over a surge in illegal immigration, demonstrating her incompetence in addressing pressing national issues. Her lack of foreign policy expertise is equally alarming, as evidenced by her inability to effectively confront global crises such as Russia's war in Ukraine and China's aggression towards Taiwan.

The Danger of DEI-Driven Politics: Kamala Harris's Incompetence Threatens the Nation

The Danger of DEI-Driven Politics: Kamala Harris's Incompetence Threatens the Nation

Moreover, Harris's promotion of bail funds for BLM rioters during the 2020 protests highlights her support for policies that undermine public safety. Her endorsement of reparations, racial preferences, and critical race theory is indicative of her adherence to the pernicious ideology of racial equity, which has no place in a just and fair society.

Dowd argues that the Republican leadership should not remain silent about Harris's glaring weaknesses. The party has a duty to expose the moral bankruptcy of the DEI ideology that has propelled her to national prominence. Harris, who has never won a single vote in an open election as a presidential candidate, has no business being president of the United States.

The Danger of DEI-Driven Politics: Kamala Harris's Incompetence Threatens the Nation

The Danger of DEI-Driven Politics: Kamala Harris's Incompetence Threatens the Nation

Americans deserve leaders who are qualified, experienced, and capable of addressing the complex challenges facing the nation. Harris, who embodies the dangerous and divisive principles of DEI, is not that leader. Voters should reject her candidacy and the harmful ideology that has brought her to this point.

The pursuit of diversity, equity, and inclusion should never compromise meritocracy or undermine national security. Harris's candidacy is a stark reminder that the nation must prioritize competence, experience, and the impartial application of justice above all else.