The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

OutKick host Ricky Cobb shares his concerns over the state of American politics, highlighting the growing celebrity of politicians and the overshadowing of issues by personality. He urges viewers to focus on policy and avoid idolizing politicians, emphasizing their flaws and ordinary nature.

In the wake of the Democratic National Convention and the nomination of Kamala Harris, OutKick host Ricky Cobb has expressed his alarm over the current state of American politics. Cobb, a self-proclaimed voter for Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, voiced concerns about the decline of free speech in the country and the growing fanatical following of politicians.

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

"I wish for the days when issues mattered more in politics, because the world that we live in now, it's personality over all else," Cobb said. "I voted for Hillary and Biden... but I don't like the way free speech is going in this country, I really do not."

Cobb pointed to the celebrity status of both Harris and former President Donald Trump, arguing that it has led to a blind loyalty among their supporters that overshadows policy considerations. He emphasized his own focus on issues and urged viewers to do the same.

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

"I'm not here to carry water for the Republicans, Democrats, or anybody else. I'm here to speak the truth as I see it," he said. "You're seeing people fan out. This is 2024, don't fan out over a politician."

Cobb went on to criticize the "Beatlemania" surrounding politicians, arguing that it distorts their true nature and prevents voters from making informed decisions based on their policies.

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

"These are politicians, they're people. They get up and put their pants on one leg at a time, and they are not always smarter than you, I'm sad to say. They really aren't, they don't always have your best interests at heart, even the ones that you think that you like," he said.

Cobb emphasized the importance of focusing on policy, noting that the key question for voters should be, "Who policy-wise... is going to most benefit you and your family and American society?"

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

He encouraged viewers to cut through the "layers and layers and layers of bulls---" surrounding politicians and to evaluate their policies critically.

"We have got to get away in this country, in my humble opinion, from looking at politicians as rockstars and understanding what they really are," Cobb said. "They are ordinary f---ing people... they started out in life just like you and me."

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

The Death of Issues in American Politics: The Rise of Personality and the Decline of Free Speech

Cobb's concerns highlight the growing divide in American politics, where personality and celebrity often trump substance. His call for a return to policy-based decision-making is a reminder that the health of our democracy depends on the informed engagement of its citizens.