The Five Key Fronts in the Fight Against the Chinese Communist Party

Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo outlines the critical areas where the United States must focus its efforts to resist the Chinese Communist Party's malign activities, including safeguarding Taiwan and America's allies, stopping the CCP's fentanyl crisis, preventing its economic dominance, countering its influence in the U.S., and resisting its propaganda.

The Five Key Fronts in the Fight Against the Chinese Communist Party

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) poses a multifaceted threat to the United States, from its military ambitions to its economic manipulation and fentanyl crisis. As Chairman of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, Mike Pompeo identifies five key areas where the U.S. must focus its efforts to resist Beijing's malign activities.

Taiwan, a self-governing democracy, faces growing threats from the CCP, which seeks to unify the island with mainland China by force if necessary. The U.S. must ramp up its defense industrial base to meet the CCP's growing military ambitions and expand training programs for Taiwan's military to enhance its self-defense capabilities. Additionally, the U.S. must ensure the timely delivery of weapons to Taiwan.

The Five Key Fronts in the Fight Against the Chinese Communist Party

China produces the vast majority of fentanyl precursors, and the CCP actively supports the export of this deadly synthetic opioid. This crisis kills nearly 100,000 Americans annually. The U.S. must apply maximum pressure on Chinese companies that produce fentanyl precursors and the officials that enable them.

The CCP seeks to dominate key supply chains, including electric vehicles and rare earth minerals, to assert its economic influence. The U.S. must rebuild its domestic capacity in these areas and avoid incentivizing Chinese firms through state and federal policies. Dependence on China for critical supplies undermines American economic leadership.

The Five Key Fronts in the Fight Against the Chinese Communist Party

The CCP is actively working to influence communities in the U.S., such as through Gotion, a Chinese-owned company that has pledged allegiance to the CCP. This company's attempts to build a factory in Michigan have raised concerns about growing U.S. dependence on Chinese technology and potential nefarious activities. Additionally, the CCP has operated illegal police stations in the U.S. to intimidate and harass opponents.

Through platforms like TikTok, the CCP seeks to influence American youth, spreading propaganda and manipulating content. The U.S. must oppose this propaganda and promote its own founding principles of freedom and democracy. The Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party will work in a bipartisan manner to hold the CCP accountable for its aggressive actions against the U.S. and its allies. This competition is crucial for the future of American security and prosperity.

The Five Key Fronts in the Fight Against the Chinese Communist Party