The Fox News Politics Newsletter: Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Concerns

The commander-in-chief lies low once more at Camp David, while his family shifts blame to staffers. Politico reports that family members criticized Biden's aides for inadequate preparation and insufficient rest before the debate.

President Biden's family has pointed the finger at his staffers for his subpar debate performance last Thursday, according to Politico. The family members reportedly expressed widespread dissatisfaction, complaining that the staffers:

* Failed to adequately prepare Biden to go on the attack

The Fox News Politics Newsletter: Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Concerns

The Fox News Politics Newsletter: Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Concerns

* Focused too much on defending his record, rather than laying out his vision for the next four years

* Allowed Biden to become overworked and under-rested before the debate

The Fox News Politics Newsletter: Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Concerns

The Fox News Politics Newsletter: Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Concerns

These criticisms highlight the growing concerns over Biden's age and capability to serve a second term. Voters have expressed worries about his mental acuity, particularly after his performance in the debate.

Questions linger over Hunter Biden's potential conflict of interest in advising his father. As the president's son, Hunter has access to privileged information and could potentially influence policy decisions that benefit his business interests.

The Fox News Politics Newsletter: Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Concerns

The Fox News Politics Newsletter: Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Concerns

Some House Republicans harbor private concerns about Democrats replacing Biden on the ticket. They believe that such a move would increase the likelihood of President Donald Trump winning re-election in 2024.

A lawmaker has raised concerns about the threat posed by armed robot dogs developed by China. The lawmaker believes that these devices could be used for surveillance and suppression.

The Fox News Politics Newsletter: Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Concerns

The Fox News Politics Newsletter: Biden's Debate Performance Sparks Concerns

The House GOP has issued notices to colleges and universities warning them to enforce strict rules governing protests and civil disobedience. The notices come amidst concerns about campus unrest and the potential for violence.

In a significant ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has declared that presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts during their tenure. The decision was cheered by Trump allies in Congress.

The Biden campaign has lashed out at the Supreme Court's immunity ruling, calling it "above the law." The campaign argues that presidents should be held accountable for their actions.

Following the debate, Trump has once again questioned Biden's mental fitness. He has accused Biden of a "cognitive mess" and suggested that he is not up to the rigors of the presidency.

Biden has attempted to reassure top Democratic donors who are losing faith in him after his poor debate performance. He has promised to improve his messaging and focus on key issues that matter to voters.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer reportedly warned the Biden campaign that Michigan was not winnable for Biden. Однако Whitmer later denied making such a statement in a tweet, calling her detractors "full of s---."