The FTC's Assault on American Competitiveness: Hamstringing Innovation and Undermining National Security

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), under Chairwoman Lina Khan, is waging a global campaign to suppress American tech companies. This radical agenda, which includes colluding with foreign governments, is having detrimental impacts on U.S. economic and national security.

The FTC's Assault on American Competitiveness: Hamstringing Innovation and Undermining National Security

The FTC, under Chairwoman Lina Khan, has embarked on a relentless crusade to suppress American tech companies in favor of their international competitors. This radical agenda is based on a misguided belief that government intervention is necessary to protect innovation and competition. However, this thinking is flawed and ignores the unique nature of digital technology innovation, which is an outlier among other competitive industries.

Of particular concern is the FTC's overreach into the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a force multiplier and key driver of both economic and national security, yet the FTC lacks the national security competencies to effectively regulate this critical domain. The FTC's actions demonstrate a fundamental misunderstanding about the national security implications of over-regulating AI.

The FTC's Assault on American Competitiveness: Hamstringing Innovation and Undermining National Security

Khan's FTC has targeted leading American tech companies, claiming they suppress innovation. However, data shows that these companies invest heavily in research and development, and they play a vital role in setting and enforcing safety and privacy standards that are crucial for smaller firms to thrive. Unsurprisingly, eager antitrust regulators have taken issue with these business practices, despite evidence that they have enabled smaller digital developers to flourish.

The FTC's assault on American tech companies is eroding U.S. economic leadership. American tech giants have played a major role in the country's economic growth and global competitiveness. By targeting these companies, the FTC is undermining their ability to innovate and compete, thereby benefiting foreign rivals.

The FTC's Assault on American Competitiveness: Hamstringing Innovation and Undermining National Security

The FTC's actions also harm U.S. national security. American tech companies have taken the initiative to retreat from China and support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. Over-regulation could stifle innovation and jeopardize these contributions to American global interests.

Khan's FTC has colluded with foreign governments to impose harsh regulations and penalties on American businesses. This behavior is outrageous and betrays the FTC's mission to protect American consumers and interests.

Khan's comparison of tech innovation to other industries is flawed. Digital technology innovation is a highly dynamic and rapidly evolving field that requires a different approach to regulation. The FTC's heavy-handed approach is stifling innovation and harming U.S. competitiveness.

The FTC's lack of national security competencies renders it incapable of effectively regulating AI. This is especially concerning given the strategic competition with China, which has prioritized AI exploitation. The FTC's actions could allow the PRC to catch up or even overtake the U.S. in the AI race, with devastating consequences for U.S. industries and economic power.

The FTC, under Chairwoman Lina Khan, is on a destructive path that is harming American competitiveness, undermining national security, and eroding the U.S. economy. The agency's radical agenda is based on flawed thinking and a lack of understanding of the unique nature of digital technology innovation. It is imperative that the FTC reconsider its approach and prioritize the interests of the United States rather than its own ideological agenda.