The Gathering Storm: North Korea's Growing Threat to Global Stability

As the 71st anniversary of the Korean War armistice approaches, former North Korean refugee Rep. Young Kim warns of the increasing aggression and nuclear ambitions of Kim Jong Un's regime, emphasizing the urgent need for decisive action to prevent further destabilization and protect the international order.

This month marks the 71st anniversary of the Korean War armistice agreement, a ceasefire that ended more than three years of bloody conflict and divided the Korean Peninsula into North and South. While memories of the "Forgotten War" may have faded for many Americans, for me, they are crystal clear. I was born in South Korea shortly after the war, and the devastation it left behind remains etched in my mind. I vividly recall seeing American troops drive by in their trucks, tossing out candies – my first taste of the freedom and opportunity that my adopted home would offer.

Today, as one of the first Korean American women to serve in Congress and as chairwoman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Indo-Pacific, I am guided by my past experiences and a deep understanding of the challenges posed by the North Korean regime. Throughout my lifetime, I have witnessed the transformation of South Korea into a developed nation, a vibrant democracy, and a strategic partner of the United States. However, I have also watched as North Korea's leaders – from Kim Il Sung to Kim Jong Il and now Kim Jong Un – have prioritized military spending and nuclear ambitions at the expense of their own people.

The Gathering Storm: North Korea's Growing Threat to Global Stability

The Gathering Storm: North Korea's Growing Threat to Global Stability

Kim Jong Un's regime has demonstrated an alarming increase in aggression in recent years, forging closer ties with our adversaries and setting its sights beyond the Korean Peninsula. The question we must answer is: what is Kim Jong Un capable of, and are the United States and our allies prepared to respond?

The recent meeting between Kim Jong Un and Russian President Vladimir Putin underscores the need for the United States and its allies to promote deterrence and coordinate their responses. Although the details of the defense pact between North Korea and Russia have not been released, it would be unwise to dismiss their agreement as mere symbolism. North Korea has already provided millions of rockets and artillery shells to Russia for its invasion of Ukraine, and Russia has assisted North Korea in evading sanctions imposed on its nuclear program.

The Gathering Storm: North Korea's Growing Threat to Global Stability

The Gathering Storm: North Korea's Growing Threat to Global Stability

Moreover, North Korea has enhanced its cyber capabilities, financing its regime and evading sanctions through illicit activities. The United Nations estimates that North Korea has been responsible for at least 58 cyberattacks that have netted over $3 billion.

The United States and its allies must identify and close all sanctions loopholes that allow North Korea to evade international scrutiny. We must also address the issue of North Korean forced labor, which has been linked to the production of goods that enter American markets. The State Department must update its forced labor list and impose sanctions on newly identified entities that exploit vulnerable North Korean workers.

The Gathering Storm: North Korea's Growing Threat to Global Stability

The Gathering Storm: North Korea's Growing Threat to Global Stability

The "North Korean Human Rights Reauthorization Act," a bipartisan bill that I am sponsoring, would support the freedom and basic human rights of the North Korean people and deter the regime's use of torture, imprisonment, starvation, and forced labor.

The United States must recognize the dangerous regime that Kim Jong Un leads and take action to deter North Korean aggression. If we wait on the sidelines, we risk destabilizing the region and undermining the rules-based international order. The time for decisive action is now, to preserve peace and stability before it is too late.

The Gathering Storm: North Korea's Growing Threat to Global Stability

The Gathering Storm: North Korea's Growing Threat to Global Stability