The Hidden Agenda Behind Green Energy: Biden-Harris's "Rural Electrification" Scam

Under the guise of "clean energy," the Biden-Harris administration is funneling billions of taxpayer dollars into a politically motivated scheme that benefits China and hurts American families.

The Biden-Harris administration's $7.3 billion "rural electrification" funding, drawn from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), is a thinly veiled attempt to push through a Green New Deal agenda under the guise of helping rural communities. Experts warn that these "green" energy sources are not scientifically sound, economically viable, or environmentally friendly.

"This is all about politics," says John Droz Jr., founder of Wise Energy Decisions Alliance. "There's three elements that a proper energy source should have: reliability, economics, and environmental impact. No one is thinking about those things." Instead, decisions are made based on political correctness.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Green Energy: Biden-Harris's

The Hidden Agenda Behind Green Energy: Biden-Harris's "Rural Electrification" Scam

The Green New Deal prioritizes renewable energy sources like wind and solar, which heavily rely on materials sourced from China. By subsidizing these industries, the Biden-Harris administration is funneling American wealth into the pockets of Chinese manufacturers.

Despite claims of lowering energy costs and creating jobs, the Biden-Harris administration's green energy policies have only led to higher utility bills and job losses in the traditional energy sector. Wind turbines, in particular, have been plagued by safety issues and environmental concerns.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Green Energy: Biden-Harris's

The Hidden Agenda Behind Green Energy: Biden-Harris's "Rural Electrification" Scam

The Biden-Harris administration's push for offshore wind farms is met with outrage as whale deaths associated with these projects raise questions about their environmental sustainability. This hypocrisy highlights the administration's double standards when it comes to energy policies.

Over 40 energy groups and think tanks have demanded that Congress end Green New Deal-type policies in the IRA, which they argue benefit China over the U.S. These groups warn that such policies are undermining American energy independence and economic competitiveness.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Green Energy: Biden-Harris's

The Hidden Agenda Behind Green Energy: Biden-Harris's "Rural Electrification" Scam

The Biden-Harris administration's announcement of $7.3 billion in rural electrification funding comes suspiciously close to the upcoming midterm elections. Critics see this as a desperate attempt to boost support in battleground states.

Despite the White House's claims of economic development and job creation, energy experts remain skeptical. They argue that the administration's focus on green energy is misguided and will ultimately backfire on rural communities.

The Hidden Agenda Behind Green Energy: Biden-Harris's

The Hidden Agenda Behind Green Energy: Biden-Harris's "Rural Electrification" Scam

The Biden-Harris administration's "rural electrification" funding is a politically motivated scam that disregards economic realities, ignores scientific evidence, and undermines American interests. It is a thinly veiled attempt to push through a Green New Deal agenda that benefits China and harms American families.