The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility

In the wake of a Fox News poll revealing abortion as a top "deal-breaker issue," Republican senators Ted Cruz and Katie Britt are advocating for federal IVF protection. However, a small but vocal minority within the pro-life movement has been fixated on the personhood of embryos, leading to questions about the sanctity of IVF.

In vitro fertilization (IVF) has been a blessing to countless parents of all political persuasions and religious backgrounds. Yet, an Alabama court decision has reignited questions about the personhood of embryos that had been laid to rest. Unfortunately, a small but vocal minority continues to fixate on this position, posing significant challenges to the pro-life cause and families struggling with infertility.

Infertility is a deeply personal and often painful experience, especially for women. The assumption that marriage and desire automatically lead to children is shattered for many couples facing infertility. The emotional toll it takes on relationships is immeasurable.

The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility

The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility

After five years of struggling with infertility, my wife and I decided to pursue IVF. Science and faith intertwined as we embarked on this journey to become parents. Despite the invasive medical procedures and the emotional stress, our relationship with God remained paramount, guiding us to do everything possible to achieve our dream.

One October morning, after years of negative results, a positive pregnancy test brought immeasurable joy. Nine months later, our daughter, Lily Faith, was born. The IVF procedure had been so successful that we had additional healthy embryos for future implantations. Lily Faith soon had a little brother, Justin.

The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility

The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility

Five years later, we decided to try for a third child. To our astonishment, we were having triplets! Abel, Ryder, and Jaxson brought even more joy to our lives than we could have ever imagined.

The hypocrisy of anti-IVF legislation is undeniable. Pro-life policies should focus on valuing children, celebrating them when they're on the way, and doing everything possible to help moms and dads pro-create – no matter the obstacles they face.

The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility

The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility

Prohibiting IVF will deny countless couples the opportunity to experience the joy of parenthood. Conversely, defending IVF empowers future parents to fulfill their God-given desire to nurture children.

The pro-life position should entail celebrating children, not hindering their journey to life. It's time to embrace a truly pro-fertility stance that supports families on their path to parenthood.

The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility

The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility

The Hypocrisy of Anti-IVF Legislation: Pro-Life Should Mean Pro-Fertility