The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

New York's renewable energy plans have been decimated, highlighting a disconnect between radical policy proposals and real-world execution. The state is now on track to massively miss its target of reaching 70% renewables by 2030, yet it continues to enforce the same goals on private companies.

Albany Democrats' double standards have once again been exposed, this time in the realm of green energy. Despite the state's ambitious goal of reaching 70% renewable energy by 2030, a new report reveals that New York is on track to miss that target by a staggering margin.

Attorney General Letitia James and Governor Kathy Hochul have been quick to push the renewables deadline to 2033, but even that extension is unlikely to save them from embarrassment. The state is now expected to reach just a 44% renewables target by 2030.

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

While the state seeks to enforce these unattainable goals on private companies, it is failing to meet its own objectives. Earlier this year, James filed a lawsuit against beef producer JBS USA for allegedly misrepresenting its environmental impact. However, the hypocrisy lies in the fact that the state itself is also failing to meet its own targets.

Instead of admitting its own shortcomings, New York has resorted to blaming factors such as supply chain disruptions and geopolitical developments. The state is also attempting to deflect blame by claiming that developers backed out of contracts amid record high inflation and rising costs.

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

The state's rank hypocrisy is further compounded by its unrealistic net zero targets. The Hochul administration is doubling down on these goals by attempting to enforce them on private companies, despite its own failures to achieve them.

The state's failures undermine its credibility to sue others for similar shortcomings. They also call into question the practicality of these renewable energy and net zero targets.

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

Governor Hochul's energy plan should prioritize energy abundance, affordability, choice, innovation, reliability, and common sense, not unattainable and counterproductive goals. Reversing the state's ban on the safe extraction of natural gas would create jobs, revitalize communities, and provide a reliable source of energy.

As renewable deadlines approach, the Hochul administration will likely continue to move the goalposts rather than address the underlying problems. The state's shifting timelines reflect poorly on its leadership and its shallow commitment to sustainable energy practices.

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

New York policymakers have failed to foresee the economic conditions impacting renewable energy's viability. Their lofty climate goals are nothing more than political posturing and a demonstration of a "rules for thee, but not for me" mindset.

The state's leaders must make serious course corrections focused on achievable targets, a sincere commitment to sustainable energy practices, and an all-of-the-above approach that supports workers and businesses.

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals

The Hypocrisy of New York's Green Energy Goals