The Impending Left-Wing Dictatorship: How the Media Is Destroying America's Legal System

Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson dissects the dangers of left-wing extremism and its threat to the integrity of the American legal system.

The recent spectacle of the left-wing media and political establishment's relentless attacks on Donald Trump and their willful distortion of the legal process has exposed a profound threat to the integrity of the American legal system. The left's unyielding pursuit of power has led them to destroy norms and establish dangerous precedents that could boomerang on themselves and undermine the very fabric of our democracy.

The left's current hysteria stems from a combination of factors. They fear an impending political blowout, realizing the escalating dementia of Joe Biden and the terror instilled by Kamala Harris. They also recognize the threat posed by Trump's savvy and his potential to overturn the Biden catastrophe.

The Impending Left-Wing Dictatorship: How the Media Is Destroying America's Legal System

The Impending Left-Wing Dictatorship: How the Media Is Destroying America's Legal System

Furthermore, the left is haunted by the knowledge that their unconstitutional efforts to destroy Trump could be used against them. They have destroyed norms and established precedents that they now fear will rebound against themselves, given their willingness to use any means necessary to achieve their goals.

The left's growing voter repugnance extends even to traditional Democratic constituencies, due not only to Biden's obnoxiousness and dementia but also to his far-left agendas. The abhorrent inflation, wild deficits, open borders, foreign policy disasters, and cultural extremism have alienated Americans across the political spectrum.

The Impending Left-Wing Dictatorship: How the Media Is Destroying America's Legal System

The Impending Left-Wing Dictatorship: How the Media Is Destroying America's Legal System

In an attempt to save themselves, Democrats are engaging in shameless pandering. Biden is draining the strategic petroleum reserve, canceling student loan debt, abandoning Israel, and granting blanket amnesties to illegal aliens. These measures are seen as a desperate attempt to appease particular voting blocs at the expense of the country's overall well-being.

The left-wing media has played a pivotal role in this charade. They have amplified the left's warnings of a Trump dictatorship, demonized him as a threat to democracy, and dismissed the concerns of his supporters. Their relentless campaign of misinformation has contributed to the erosion of public trust in the legal system.

The Impending Left-Wing Dictatorship: How the Media Is Destroying America's Legal System

The Impending Left-Wing Dictatorship: How the Media Is Destroying America's Legal System

As the left faces an inevitable decline, they will go through a range of emotions. They will deny the accuracy of unfavorable polls, blame the electorate, and indulge in dreams of remedies. Ultimately, they will face the reality of their own failed revolution and the consequences of their actions.

The preservation of American democracy requires the restoration of integrity to the legal system. The left's assault on justice must be condemned, and those responsible must be held accountable. The fundamental principles of fairness, impartiality, and the rule of law must be upheld if we are to safeguard the future of our nation.