The Importance of a US-Saudi Security Alliance in an Increasingly Multipolar World

In a volatile Middle East, Saudi Arabia and its partners in the Gulf Cooperation Council serve as an anchor of stability, with a vested interest in a well-functioning global order. A formal US-Saudi security alliance would strengthen this anchor, deterring potential destabilizing forces and safeguarding US interests in the region.

The Middle East is a complex and turbulent region, yet its strategic importance cannot be overstated. At its core lies the Arabian Peninsula, anchored by Saudi Arabia and its partners in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). These influential states are committed to maintaining a stable global order, recognizing that their own prosperity depends on it.

The Importance of a US-Saudi Security Alliance in an Increasingly Multipolar World

The Importance of a US-Saudi Security Alliance in an Increasingly Multipolar World

By anchoring this stability with a formal US-Saudi security alliance, the United States can solidify its position in an increasingly multipolar world. These states possess the resources and the will to actively support the US in upholding a US-led regional order.

The recent hostile actions of the Houthis toward global shipping illustrate the potential for disruption in the region. These actions have caused a spike in insurance and freight prices, and strained the resources of the United States and its allies. Even a small crack in the current order could have far-reaching consequences.

The Importance of a US-Saudi Security Alliance in an Increasingly Multipolar World

The Importance of a US-Saudi Security Alliance in an Increasingly Multipolar World

The Houthis are a foretaste of what could occur should a destabilizing power, such as Iran or a militia like the Houthis, target a responsible status quo power like Saudi Arabia or its Gulf allies.

Controlling the Arabian Peninsula means controlling nearly half of the world's oil and gas reserves. In a crisis, this would lead to a surge in global oil and gas prices, as well as give malign forces undue influence over hundreds of millions of Muslims worldwide.

The Importance of a US-Saudi Security Alliance in an Increasingly Multipolar World

The Importance of a US-Saudi Security Alliance in an Increasingly Multipolar World

The late Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, an Iran-backed Iraqi militia leader, once stated that he looked forward to liberating not Jerusalem, but Riyadh. This sentiment underscores the importance of securing Saudi Arabia's stability to protect US economic and security interests.

American critics often highlight a lack of shared values between the US and Saudi Arabia, pointing to Saudi Arabia's absolute monarchy. However, they overlook the many shared values and interests between the two countries.

Both nations desire an open capitalist world economy, predictable energy markets, safe trade routes, the containment of rogue states, and a stable Middle East.

Saudi Arabia has embarked on a significant path of social, economic, and religious reform. Women have been empowered, their participation in the workforce has doubled, and radical Islamic elements have been marginalized.

However, Saudi Arabia still faces challenges in reforming its legal system and human rights record. The leadership acknowledges these challenges as they strive to navigate through a highly polarized environment.

In a multipolar world, the United States needs strong allies. A midsize power like Saudi Arabia would greatly contribute to a US-led world order. As an alliance partner, Saudi Arabia would safeguard a vital piece of the global political and economic infrastructure, ensuring stability in the region and beyond.