The Influential "West Point" Behind Biden's Victory: Dark Connections and Radical Ideologies

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) is bracing for a raucous event, and at the helm of its preparation lies The Arena, a prominent organization credited with aiding President Biden's victory. However, a closer examination of The Arena reveals troubling connections and radical ideologies among its operatives, raising concerns about the direction of the Democratic Party.

The Influential

The Democratic National Convention (DNC) is poised to be a pivotal moment for the Democratic Party. Amidst the political drama, a lesser-known organization, The Arena, looms large as the "West Point" for Democratic operatives. The Arena's influence has been instrumental in shaping the party's landscape, from training thousands of Democratic candidates to aiding President Biden's victory in 2020.

However, a deeper dive into The Arena's operations reveals a web of questionable connections and troubling ideologies among its key players.

The Influential

In 2019, The Arena hired Johannah King-Slutzky as its digital director. Prior to her appointment, King-Slutzky penned a controversial blog post equating "terrorism to the dream of politics," arguing that it halts criticism and fulfills the ultimate political goal. Her views have raised eyebrows, given her role in shaping the Democratic Party's message and strategy.

King-Slutzky has also been involved in anti-Israel activism, leading the encampment at Columbia University and advocating for the delivery of "humanitarian aid" to protesters occupying a building. Her support for pro-terrorist professors on campus has further raised concerns about the Arena's ideological leanings.

The Influential

The Arena's leadership and staff are heavily intertwined with former President Obama's administration. Two of its three co-founders and numerous senior staff members are Obama alumni. This connection raises questions about the potential influence of radical ideologies within the organization.

For example, King-Slutzky's blog post comparing terrorism to art echoes a larger trend of equating political violence with artistic expression. This viewpoint is alarmingly at odds with the condemnation of terrorism that has traditionally been a cornerstone of American foreign policy.

The Influential

The Arena has received significant financial support from Hillary Clinton's organization, Onward Together. Clinton herself has praised the Arena's efforts to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within the Democratic Party. While DEI is a laudable goal, concerns arise over the potential politicization of such initiatives, potentially leading to ideological conformity and a suppression of dissenting voices.

The Democratic National Convention is a crucial event for the Democratic Party. However, the involvement of The Arena, with its questionable connections and radical ideologies, raises concerns about the direction of the party. The presence of operatives who view terrorism as artistic expression and the embrace of anti-Israel activism within the organization cast a shadow over the DNC's image and the party's future prospects.

The Influential