The Invisible Tyranny: How Excessive Bureaucracy Undermines Democracy

Neil Gorsuch and Janie Nitze's "Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law" exposes the insidious impact of an overgrown federal bureaucracy that undermines democratic principles and individual rights. From delayed appointments to arbitrary demands, the authors unveil a system where ordinary citizens are lost in a labyrinth of red tape.

President Barack Obama's humorous anecdote about the convoluted oversight of salmon in his 2011 State of the Union address highlighted a serious issue: the proliferation of federal agencies and their unchecked authority. Despite the president's seemingly exaggerated claims, fact-checkers deemed his statement "mostly true," revealing the overwhelming complexity of the bureaucratic behemoth.

The Invisible Tyranny: How Excessive Bureaucracy Undermines Democracy

The Invisible Tyranny: How Excessive Bureaucracy Undermines Democracy

For ordinary citizens navigating this labyrinth, the joke is no laughing matter. The Immigrants' Rights Clinic's struggle to secure a fingerprinting appointment for an asylum seeker exemplifies the absurdity and inefficiency of the system. Despite filing multiple requests, calling countless times, and being directed to different departments, the appointment remained elusive for four months.

David Graeber's bureaucratic odyssey mirrors this experience. Bureaucrats impose seemingly reasonable demands, but when individuals fail to meet those expectations, the blame falls on their inadequacy rather than the system's inherent flaws. This fosters a culture of frustration and inadequacy among citizens.

The Invisible Tyranny: How Excessive Bureaucracy Undermines Democracy

The Invisible Tyranny: How Excessive Bureaucracy Undermines Democracy

Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. underscores the dangers of excessive bureaucratic power, arguing that it undermines democratic self-governance and rule-of-law values. By deferring to the supposed expertise of bureaucrats, we sacrifice individual rights and the dignity of each person.

Learned Hand's wise admonition cautions against the perils of being ruled by "Platonic Guardians" who impose their will without accountability. When we lose our appetite for public participation and become accustomed to accepting orders from experts, we surrender not only our democratic freedoms but also our individual autonomy.

The Invisible Tyranny: How Excessive Bureaucracy Undermines Democracy

The Invisible Tyranny: How Excessive Bureaucracy Undermines Democracy

Hannah Arendt echoes this warning, describing a world where power is wielded by an invisible entity, leaving no one to challenge or resist it. This "tyranny without a tyrant" erodes our ability to engage in meaningful dialogue and defend our rights.

Janie Nitze, a former Senate-confirmed board member of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, provides firsthand accounts of bureaucratic excess. She exposes the arbitrary and often irrational demands placed on citizens, creating barriers to their rights and leading to a sense of powerlessness.

The Invisible Tyranny: How Excessive Bureaucracy Undermines Democracy

The Invisible Tyranny: How Excessive Bureaucracy Undermines Democracy

Gorsuch and Nitze's "Over Ruled" is a clarion call to address the unchecked growth of the federal bureaucracy. It exposes the human toll of excessive regulation, undermines democratic values, and erodes individual rights. The authors advocate for a return to principles of accountability, transparency, and limited government that empower citizens and protect their freedoms.